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february dat

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Dentistry is out, law school is the next hot thing .hahaha


dmd2012, weren't you ranting a few weeks ago in the [Nov Dat Scores ~ Aftermath] thread? You said Quote, "The point is nothing equals dentistry. Law, med are not what I wanted to do, hence the reason I am not happy. Dentistry was my passion since I was a child. I am so upset right now!!!!!" This was after you declared you were accepted to law but got another 17 in RC, how you were never gonna try the DAT again, how Western could go to hell, and something about your life being over.


Dentistry isn't "out". I think you're still trying to cope with the reality of your new situation, by downplaying your lifelong dream of being a dentist.

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ok there dr.phil! lol, actually you are absolutely right. You know you have a problem when you "secretly" write the DAT. Thats me. Yeah, i am gonna do it again! I am just not gonna give up at this. You are so right, I was trying to compensate for my loss by downplaying another career.


see me again at uft on feb 21. This isnt gonna stop until I get in.


thanks for noticing my rant and bringing me back to reality.

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