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MCAT & GPA cut-offs POSTED

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For all those who also got cut based on the writing sample alone, I'm with you. It is so frustrating that with an MCAT score in the 96-97th percentile, I am still not good enough...and that 1 hour of my life will dictate where I end up after this year.


Don't you guys think they should do cut-offs based on total score percentile? That way, everyone's strengths could still show and for some people, that one question they might have missed (resulting in them getting a 10 rather than an 11 for example) wouldn't have such ridiculous consequences.



I can only hope Queens doesn't use the writing sample for cut-offs this year.

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I can only hope Queens doesn't use the writing sample for cut-offs this year.


Depends. If you have a P and above for Queen's, I think that's relatively safe. Queen's WS cutoff has usually been above N for quite awhile; and I think above P for the past few years

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Sooo... what if you possess lower than minimum?




I guess it's only after you make those cutoffs do they start looking at your sketch and whatnot. I'm just speculating though.


They don't look at your sketch. And meeting the absolute minimum requirements will give you an interview. Take it from me, I was in that situation last year...

Also, even though they say it is not a guarantee, maybe they won't give it to you if one of your referees said "i would not want him as my physician." Other than that, if you look at previous posts, you are pretty safe in that regard.


Also, note: "If you have met these minimums but did not receive an invitation for interview, contact Schulich Medicine at admissions.medicine@schulich.uwo.ca as soon as possible"

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It's ridiculous...


After the double cohort.... you'd expect cutoffs to go down...



I'm surprised why there's so many applicants this year; even at U of T where the cutoffs don't really fluctuate there's been several hundred more applicants compared to last year. Maybe the double cohort Masters ppl are applying? I dunno.

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Its called stupid high school students taking a career class, getting an income list of various professionals, being impressed by medicine, and then going through ugrad with blinders and applying, without paying attention to the nitty gritty details.


You think im kidding, and I kind of am, but a whole bunch of my friends applied jsut because they didn't know what to do and just did it for the heck of it. Some of them got in too, which really peeved me off.


Another big reason is that the double cohort students who didn't get in are just finishing their masters. I'm sure dropping essay requirements helped out too.

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For all those who also got cut based on the writing sample alone, I'm with you. It is so frustrating that with an MCAT score in the 96-97th percentile, I am still not good enough...and that 1 hour of my life will dictate where I end up after this year.


Don't you guys think they should do cut-offs based on total score percentile? That way, everyone's strengths could still show and for some people, that one question they might have missed (resulting in them getting a 10 rather than an 11 for example) wouldn't have such ridiculous consequences.



I can only hope Queens doesn't use the writing sample for cut-offs this year.


Absolutely not.


I'm not advocating hard cutoffs or even the specific cutoffs that Western has posted for this year.


However, having a minimum score in every section is essential. I think that having a 5 in verbal or M in writing says something about you even if you had a 37T or 45M. (I'm not talking about you... this is just an example).

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Question: In their FAQ section, under "How does Western determine who receives an interview?" it says that you must meet the GPA cut-off in at least ONE undergraduate year....


Is this only for students who are still in undergrad, and are finishing another year? Or...for everyone?


My situation: Last year I met the GPA cut-offs, but not the MCAT. I rewrote the MCAT (11/11/11/Q), but now the GPA (3.7/3.84) is killing me. Am I screwed?

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Question: In their FAQ section, under "How does Western determine who receives an interview?" it says that you must meet the GPA cut-off in at least ONE undergraduate year....


Is this only for students who are still in undergrad, and are finishing another year? Or...for everyone?


My situation: Last year I met the GPA cut-offs, but not the MCAT. I rewrote the MCAT (11/11/11/Q), but now the GPA (3.7/3.84) is killing me. Am I screwed?


Hi md2be,

Unfortunately, as you suspect - being granted an interview with one year over the cutoff GPA requirement requires that you be currently enrolled in a year in which you will then meet the requirement again, so that you have a total of 2 years with GPA at or over the cutoff. In this case, any acceptance would be conditional upon achieving the GPA requirement in the current year of study.

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Hi md2be,

Unfortunately, as you suspect - being granted an interview with one year over the cutoff GPA requirement requires that you be currently enrolled in a year in which you will then meet the requirement again, so that you have a total of 2 years with GPA at or over the cutoff. In this case, any acceptance would be conditional upon achieving the GPA requirement in the current year of study.


Thanks for your help! One down. Three to go.

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Question: In their FAQ section, under "How does Western determine who receives an interview?" it says that you must meet the GPA cut-off in at least ONE undergraduate year....


Is this only for students who are still in undergrad, and are finishing another year? Or...for everyone?


My situation: Last year I met the GPA cut-offs, but not the MCAT. I rewrote the MCAT (11/11/11/Q), but now the GPA (3.7/3.84) is killing me. Am I screwed?


I'm in the exact same boat as you. I've got two years above 3.7 (3.71, 3.85). I rewrote the MCAT this past summer and scored 33R (11, 11, 11). But now my GPA isn't good enough. :rolleyes:

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I'm in the exact same boat as you. I've got two years above 3.7 (3.71, 3.85). I rewrote the MCAT this past summer and scored 33R (11, 11, 11). But now my GPA isn't good enough. :rolleyes:


Rough eh? Nice job with the R on the writing sample - I'm hoping that my Q is good enough for the Queen's cut-off this year! Good luck to you :)

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my VR score of 9 killed my chance for Western, even though I meet every other criteria.. (34R, 3.8 cGPA), this is the stupidest screen ever.


Yeah, there always seems to be some rather arbitrary limit put somewhere in the system - there is just too many people applying and not enough spots. No matter how they do it good people get eliminated "out of hand".


Gezzz we need more med student spots in this country.

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my VR score of 9 killed my chance for Western, even though I meet every other criteria.. (34R, 3.8 cGPA), this is the stupidest screen ever.


I see where you're coming from, but would you rather have something as subjective as McMaster's 5-question method? At least you know that if you take the MCAT again and get a 10 on verbal, you are highly likely to get an interview next year. McMaster, on the other hand, you never know what's going to happen...

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Getting into medical school is hard; the injustice doesn't end until you get the acceptance letter.


Whether it's the cutoffs, essays, questions or interview, some part of the process is bound to screw you over.


Don't worry about informing us, everyone else is aware of it as well.

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Getting into medical school is hard; the injustice doesn't end until you get the acceptance letter.


Whether it's the cutoffs, essays, questions or interview, some part of the process is bound to screw you over.


Don't worry about informing us, everyone else is aware of it as well.


Quoted for truth.

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