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And now...grad students wait for interviews

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I second that Neuronix! I keep refreshing my inbox thinking that at any moment there could be an invite from UofO....i'm a nervous wreck these days with so many other things to worry about but with only this dreaded invite on my mind! My heart skipped a beat when I saw a new post on this thread. I though maybe just maybe someone heard some news. AHHHHHHH! I will continue screaming inside until the email arrives (or doesn't :confused: )

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I second that Neuronix! I keep refreshing my inbox thinking that at any moment there could be an invite from UofO....i'm a nervous wreck these days with so many other things to worry about but with only this dreaded invite on my mind! My heart skipped a beat when I saw a new post on this thread. I though maybe just maybe someone heard some news. AHHHHHHH! I will continue screaming inside until the email arrives (or doesn't :confused: )


hah.. seriously though go take up a hobby or something. If you get an interview you're going to be stressing out for another 6 weeks afterwards, and then if you're waitlisted you could be stressing out until the end of august. You cant let this medschool waiting game run your life. There's more to life than medschool.

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Alright, I say we all pool in $5 each and ask one of the med students (Jerry-Mon, Raed) to march in to the admissions office and ask when they'll be sending the bloody invites out.


Everybody wins.


Haha I just read this. If I see an adcom member tomorrow I will ask.

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Alright, I say we all pool in $5 each and ask one of the med students (Jerry-Mon, Raed) to march in to the admissions office and ask when they'll be sending the bloody invites out.


Everybody wins.


I'm glad to see how this has finally resulted in monetary bribes.


You should expect results this week. Obviously the time to associate the results from the adcom with interview slots and then finally with email notices could take longer...


I accept cash, VISA, or western union money orders.

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Yah, I'm wondering if I freaked out for no reason, maybe you're just an isolated case.


Either way, can you believe that I didn't even sneak in a little "when will the notices be out?" when I called to let them know my supervisor is away?


Sorry guys.... I just didn't have the guts to ask.

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hah.. that's funny. I wonder why they would contact the proff if he/she had specifically said you would be finished. I hope they don't contact mine, as he's stated in the OMSAS letter, as well as the supplemental package letter that I'm FINISHED, and if that's not enough proof my transcript will also show that.. heh =P


My supervisor would probably ask; " ummm.. Can you read?"

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