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And now...grad students wait for interviews

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This is ridiculous. We pay enough in application fees to be treated with some sort of respect. Giving us only 2 weeks of prep or less to do an interview while the undergrads have been given nearly 2 months, is not fair. Letting us have some sort of knowledge on an approximate time of notification would also be appropriate. Other schools are able to figure this out, what is wrong with Ottawa. And for us out of province people who are actually Ontario residents, we do need some time to arrange flights, etc.

Sorry, a little rant. I just think that it's inconsiderate and not very professional.

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because medschools have a history of treating graduate applicants very poorly.


just look at the application criteria for western and queens. i'm surprised by the way uottawa is dealing with us this year, but maybe it shows a shift towards the way the other schools are treating graduate students.

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Think of it this way guys... at least we have a separate committee to look at our apps. It sucks to wait, but I much rather prefer them actually reading our apps as opposed to queens or western where they seem to have arbitrary cutoffs or no boost for grad apps at all.

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Think of it this way guys... at least we have a separate committee to look at our apps. It sucks to wait, but I much rather prefer them actually reading our apps as opposed to queens or western where they seem to have arbitrary cutoffs or no boost for grad apps at all.


It's great they actually treat graduate students fairly in the process. However, they reviewed our packages 2 weeks ago. I think we're owed at the very least a timely response. This process is long enough as it is, and undergrad applicants get, in some cases, over a month to prepare for their interview. If we are to believe that all interviews will be completed in March, then graduate applicants will have less than 2 weeks.

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Just putting it out there:


I would perform sexual favours to get into med school.



LOL........that was dam hilarious :D



I certainly agree with what JohnDakota been saying. They should notify us. But today is Friday, so maybe they will pump out a massive email by the end of the day :rolleyes: Good luck to all grad apps, hang in there guys.

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So here is my am post.... i called and got the same answer as last time... week of March 9th. At least this time she didn't say by the end of the week but who knows...we may still have to wait until Friday...it gets better... Friday the 13th! So for those of you are continuously checking your emails today, I would sit back and relax because I doubt anyone will receive anything until next week. Have a great weekend grads :D

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It's great they actually treat graduate students fairly in the process. However, they reviewed our packages 2 weeks ago. I think we're owed at the very least a timely response. This process is long enough as it is, and undergrad applicants get, in some cases, over a month to prepare for their interview. If we are to believe that all interviews will be completed in March, then graduate applicants will have less than 2 weeks.


Did they finish the review? I didn't know they had... if that's the case, then this is just sadistic!


I guess I'm not worried because I know I have a very small chance of being invited for an interview.


Oh, and thanks for the post GoingCrazy. Appreciate the info

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Did they finish the review? I didn't know they had... if that's the case, then this is just sadistic!


Last year they sent out their interview offers exactly 1 week after the February supplemental package deadline. This year the email requesting the package said they would review them the week after the deadline, which is now almost 2 weeks ago.


I"m sure they're finished. They're just being complete douchebags. I'm honestly getting to the point where I don't give a crap if I get offered an interview or not anymore. If I get in, fantastic, if I don't, great too since I"ll be able to finally close this door and move on.

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I wouldn't hold any hope of hearing today, I just got through to the office and she said the week of March 9th. When I asked to clarify if that meant by the end of the week, she just said sometime during the week, she didn't have any more specific dates. Hope everyone can manage to enjoy the weekend!

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I wouldn't hold any hope of hearing today, I just got through to the office and she said the week of March 9th. When I asked to clarify if that meant by the end of the week, she just said sometime during the week, she didn't have any more specific dates. Hope everyone can manage to enjoy the weekend!


so they're going to give some people less than 2 weeks to prep for an interview? i just don't see why it needs to take almost a month to sort thru just the grad applicants... how many can there really be??!

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I guess, you almost have to think of it this way. Most other schools have switched to much more efficient (AND effective) ways of not only analyzing their applications but also interviewing their candidates. If the UofO admissions team were to adopt this plan, it would very likely cut some of their duties... perhaps kill off a few employees.... effectively reducing some of their jobs/pay... so why WOULD they adopt a better way of dealing with things... make it as complicated and time consuming as possible... that's job security for you.



Ohhh... and.. Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

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I guess, you almost have to think of it this way. Most other schools have switched to much more efficient (AND effective) ways of not only analyzing their applications.....


Please explain.. because I beg to differ. Or was this your standard generality statement that's not supported by any real knowledge; just your basic 'I think it's this way therefore it is' logic?

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WHOA... dude, don't take things SO seriously.


Although I do support my statement that things are much more efficient at other schools (ie. with the MMI you can fit in WAY more students in a given time with WAY fewer examiners - any of the MMI literature will explain that further)... I was completely joking about the "they don't want to lose their job, etc. etc....


With regards to the "looking over our application" stuff, well, it's great of them to give us grad students an extra chance, and so by requesting proof of publication, etc. is very time consuming to sort through. I do wonder though whether they should have cut it down a bit further with who is allowed to submit that, be realistic about who actually has a chance. Anyway.... done on here for the weekend... lighten up!!

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ya because those darn pesky graduate students and their professional accomplishments. How dare their publications take a lot of time to review! Why can't everyone just memorize textbooks and write exams? GPAs are so much faster to sift through!


I don't know about you man, but I like being able to critically review research papers, and actually understand the function of a hypothesis in practical terms. To me, if someone can cite word for word a textbook definition of some concept, but can't put it into practical terms, they have some potential, but aren't very useful at this particular time. An accomplished graduate student can put things into practical terms.


But ya.. their publications can be kinda daunting.. so don't bother reviewing them.

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