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Feeling after interview vs acceptance/rejection

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Just curious on how people in previous cycles felt about their interview (panel/MMI) and whether they got accepted or rejected. Were there any surprises such as a perceived poor/mediocre interview performance and admission or vice versa?


I just went through the MMI this past saturday (yellow, 330) and felt ok about it and then realized a few areas where I could have added more to my responses. Overall, I think I did ok, but not great or bad.


good luck to everyone...

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Meh, other people's opinions of how they felt they did won't do much for you. All that matters is how the adcom feels about your interview, and when it comes to that, your guess is as good as anyone's. As for my experience last year, I left my MMI at Dal thinking it went well, but then realized I could have done better (so, really similar to how you feel). A few months later, I had a nice, juicy rejection letter sent my way.


Don't worry about how you feel or how other people felt. All that matters is how the ADCOM feels, but even that doesn't matter. it's out of your hands now, so just sit back and wait in agony. It's all part of the med application cycle.

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