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US dent school pre reqs

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i was wondering if anyone took a full year of physics which includes a term of physics equivalent to physics 12 highschool then another term of 1st year uni physics. I go to ubc so this would be phys 100 and 101 respectively.


so some schools require you to take a full year of first year physics and i was wondering if they would consider phys 100 and phys 101 to be a full year of first year uni physics even though phys 100 is just equivalent to physics 12 highschool. I know some schools in canada accept that as only one term of physics and not a full year.

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What I've learned from American schools is that their pre-requirements are much more relaxed than the Canadian Schools. They don't care nearly as much. There were a lot of iffy courses that I've seen people take to fulfill American pre-reqs and noone said anything.


My best bet would be that they wouldn't even take the time to look into what Physics 100 at UBC actually means, so they would accept it no problem.

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