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Summer Course GPA vs. MCATs

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If someone got around a 3.5 GPA during their first year Undergrad, and they want to go to an American Medical School, would it be advisable to take a good course-load (3-5 courses during the summer) during their first summer to boost/neutralize their GPA?


OR would it be advisable to suck it up, take just a couple of summer courses and study for the MCAT as there aren't any research opportunities for this person during this summer.

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If you are sure that you want to go to an American school since many Canadian ones don't look at summer school courses.


A problem people find is if university was hard and get the 3.5 and take summer courses, the summer course links their 1st and 2nd years. This means that you will go through 5 semesters of school in a row. Ouch.

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If you are sure that you want to go to an American school since many Canadian ones don't look at summer school courses.


A problem people find is if university was hard and get the 3.5 and take summer courses, the summer course links their 1st and 2nd years. This means that you will go through 5 semesters of school in a row. Ouch.


Well, it sure doesn't look like I'm gonna go to a Canadian School with a 3.5 in the first year. Unless I get three 4.0 years in a row. (Which is actually sort of likely if I'm in a studying rhythm right from the summer! haha)


By the way, I asked whether I should take 5 courses for the summer, or 2 courses + initiating MCAT studying. I don't really know if you gave any answer/advise on my question. lol

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Well, it sure doesn't look like I'm gonna go to a Canadian School with a 3.5 in the first year. Unless I get three 4.0 years in a row. (Which is actually sort of likely if I'm in a studying rhythm right from the summer! haha)


By the way, I asked whether I should take 5 courses for the summer, or 2 courses + initiating MCAT studying. I don't really know if you gave any answer/advise on my question. lol

5 courses over the summer is overkill, you can't expect to get above a 3.5 with that workload. 2 courses + MCAT + some volunteering at a hospital or something would be better.
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