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English Requirement

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I have heard that if you have not taken the English pre-requisite, you can still get an interview and get a conditional acceptance as long as you take it in the summer prior to matriculation. Has anyone validated this and does it work for the other universities in Canada that require the english pre-req.

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I think your best bet is to call the school to verify.


From reading other threads, it seems like some students take courses in intersession prior to rolling in med in the fall, just to complete their degree. But I am not sure if the courses they take are REQUIRED for acceptance.

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Is this true for OOP applicants as well? Or since there's such few seats, will the OOP applicant will be rejected immediately?


I was accepted OOP off of the waitlist, and I had only taken half an english credit. My acceptance letter did not indicate that the english requirement was unfulfilled (could have been a mistake by the admissions office).


In any case, if you have any doubts about your personal situation, the admissions office, waitlist form, or acceptance form should indicate whether you need to take the second english credit or not.

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I was accepted OOP off of the waitlist, and I had only taken half an english credit. My acceptance letter did not indicate that the english requirement was unfulfilled (could have been a mistake by the admissions office).


In any case, if you have any doubts about your personal situation, the admissions office, waitlist form, or acceptance form should indicate whether you need to take the second english credit or not.


It would be obvious from your interview if you did not have a fair handle on the English language (as well as in the autobio. sections).

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