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What have applicants this year learned about last year's cycle?

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I would add a couple things

- I think reference letters are really important (quality and quantity!), since they can present a closer look at the type of relationships you have -- I sent 5 or 6 letters to each school, and had interviewers make comments that my letters were strong

- Clinical exposure is crucial even at a research-focused institution


I also experienced something interesting in this application cycle -- not sure if it was just me, and would be curious as to what others think. I've actually found that your undergrad institution (even in Canada) can have an impact on your chances. I think this is probably just at the top med schools with a fancy brand. One of my interviewers told me that the biggest weakness in my application was my undergrad institution. They respect McGill and Toronto (I didn't attend either), and these tend to be the institutions represented from Canada on their entering class lists. Thoughts?

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As I wrote above: in my experience, at top-tier schools, McGill and Toronto matter, and that's it. The subtle differences between other Canadian schools are likely irrelevant.



McMaster really doesn't count anywhere except Cornell maybe since they copied their curriculum.

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Hmmm, was that this year? There was someone from Mac at my interview day. Maybe Mac does have some cachet there because of the MD curriculum. All I have to say is that during the orientation session of my interview, an elderly gentleman asked everyone at the table where they went to school, and then proceeded to ignore anyone who didn't attend an Ivy. It was a little off-putting.

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So Carleton is well known? Its in wikipedia as being one of the best schools in Canada.


Lol. I once listed myself on Wikipedia as being a famous/well-known graduate of my highschool. It must be true.


Also, I know someone who made an entire Wikipedia article on himself...hahaha.

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to be honest, carleton is not well known


there's a carleton college (liberal arts school) in the US which is what they might be confusing your school with


Ditto. The American Carleton is a pretty good school. Not to the "OMG, CARLETON!? Here's a job for you!" extent but it's pretty well-respected.


They were my undergrad's major rivals in sports and other related issues.:P:D

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The weight we are giving McGill is too much of importance.


Quite frankly, If your application is coming down to your school's reputation, your application has failed. GPA, MCAT, ECs, and your PS matter so much more, especially for canadian schools.


What I learned: apply as early as possible, having interviews before midterms/exams and having closure is nice.


your PS CAN make or break your application. This is not some BS essay. I banked on my mcat to carry me through and well, it didn't.

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I still think it makes a difference. I'm not saying the other factors (GPA, MCAT, ECs, PS) aren't important. Those other factors are what will get you an interview. But it's difficult to decide which candidates are best qualified, when everyone after the interview is friendly, has volunteered, had great work experience, has shadowed, has good marks, a great MCAT score, etc. So when they're making a final admissions decision, the school you went to is one more factor they can use. Again, this probably only matters at schools with a fancy brand name, but it definitely matters. I've seen the entering class profiles with undergrad institutions listed -- these lists speak the truth. Specific Canadian program reputations like "international affairs at Carleton" have no meaning in the US. McGill and Toronto (and maybe UBC) are the only schools with any international weight.


Also, Silvermen -- didn't you do a graduate degree somewhere else? Or have affiliations with a school with a strong reputation?

If so, my point stands :)

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