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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Mixed emotions are a good thing. I think that RB is going to miss you guys way more than you will miss them, in the end.


Whatever will your soon-to-be-ex-worship do? Won't being a mere undergrad bore the heck out of you? No more council meetings to add excitement to your life?


I hear that North Bay is looking for a new mayor. LMAO. I will probably go and sit in on their public meetings and try for research or something. I can see simply going to classes being enough to satiate me. :eek:

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Ugh. I now officially hate clothes shopping. What's happened to the women's clothing industry the four years I've been in Germany? :confused:


I'm pretty average height (5'6") and pretty average weight (neither heavy nor skinny - I'm about 145 lbs, but a lot of that is muscle and I'm big boned / large framed with an hourglass figure) and I can't find anything that fits. :( I'm a marathon runner, so I have muscular legs, and anything that fits in the quads or hips is huge at the waist.


And what's with the super-low-rise pants? I must be getting old, but I despise them. :( I have a high waist to begin with, and while I don't like high-waisted pants, I do like something that sits at, just below, or slightly lower than my natural waistline. *sigh*


Oh, and clearly women aren't supposed to have breasts. *sigh* I'm not large my any means, but at 34D, I am, well, most definitely curvy. Finding tops that fit, that don't make me look like a slut, and that aren't super baggy, is proving to be difficult. Grrr.


Okay, rant over. Clearly I need to go shopping at new stores! Granted, I couldn't find some of my old standby stores here today, so hopefully clothes at some of those stores will fit.

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Ugh. I now officially hate clothes shopping. What's happened to the women's clothing industry the four years I've been in Germany? :confused:


I'm pretty average height (5'6") and pretty average weight (neither heavy nor skinny - I'm about 145 lbs, but a lot of that is muscle and I'm big boned / large framed with an hourglass figure) and I can't find anything that fits. :( I'm a marathon runner, so I have muscular legs, and anything that fits in the quads or hips is huge at the waist.


And what's with the super-low-rise pants? I must be getting old, but I despise them. :( I have a high waist to begin with, and while I don't like high-waisted pants, I do like something that sits at, just below, or slightly lower than my natural waistline. *sigh*


Oh, and clearly women aren't supposed to have breasts. *sigh* I'm not large my any means, but at 34D, I am, well, most definitely curvy. Finding tops that fit, that don't make me look like a slut, and that aren't super baggy, is proving to be difficult. Grrr.


Okay, rant over. Clearly I need to go shopping at new stores! Granted, I couldn't find some of my old standby stores here today, so hopefully clothes at some of those stores will fit.


I had a frustrating day too! IT seemed everything I tried on was for women with big boobs and with a butt. :( *sigh* ... I don't like shirts that just hang empty there. And then there are ones that pull REALLY tight if you have ANY boob... And I don't have much boob (34B)! GAHHHHHH!!!!!


PS: lol, we about the same size. 5'7" and 120 lbs here. And still frustrated as hell. BTW. Scrubs are super cute. Makes me wanna be a nurse. I bought some Bambi scrubs to wear as pjs!

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Dill pickle topping on popcorn is delicious. I don't care how many people judge me and say it's gross.


No matter how much you shake the popcorn you always get past that top layer fiendin' for the delicious dillness but end up feeling empty and hollow because it stuck to the butter of the surface kernals only :( One time at the theater I just brought the shaker in with me.

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I'm just dirt and I put a new layer of dill on each layer of popcorn. Then when I get to the bottom, and there is alll of that delish powder left, I just coat my fingers in that and lick them off. :o


No matter how much you shake the popcorn you always get past that top layer fiendin' for the delicious dillness but end up feeling empty and hollow because it stuck to the butter of the surface kernals only :( One time at the theater I just brought the shaker in with me.
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I can't believe you just posted a pic of your FACE after all the paranoia over your NAME!!! lmaooooooooooo


Yeah but...it actually doesn't look that much like himself. I wouldn't have even assumed it was him. Too fast, I suppose.


Sniff...because I'm packing, I've been up in the dusty attic and my eczema is flared up....nothing is working....I feel like ripping a layer of my skin off. I have even blistered my fingers! AHHHHHHHHHH

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I can't believe you just posted a pic of your FACE after all the paranoia over your NAME!!! lmaooooooooooo


Haha. You can't really see me anyways. :P


You should have invested in an STi ;)


R u Fing joking!! Most of my car buddies own STi's. The guy who took this pic also owns an STi. I spent 3 hrs last night helping my friend work on his STi. Evo > STi


how much was this car?


Umm, quite a bit. More than my med school tuition. :P

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I'm reading this book by Gavin De Becker: The gift of fear, and it's so good!!


So far, this summer has been ideal. I'm sleeping in, bumming around, reading some good books, and watching way too much t.v. And once my job is finito, I'll be going on my vacay finalemente.


I feel...strangely....complete. :D

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Other than Cuba, all I've been doing this summer is work. It doesn't even feel like summer. We haven't taken the kids to the beach once yet....sigh.


I have to drive 5hrs and 20min Wednesday morning to make it to Baie Verte to write a 3hr midterm and turn around and come back. Wtf Athabasca?! Can't you find me a closer spot?!

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Other than Cuba, all I've been doing this summer is work. It doesn't even feel like summer. We haven't taken the kids to the beach once yet....sigh.


I have to drive 5hrs and 20min Wednesday morning to make it to Baie Verte to write a 3hr midterm and turn around and come back. Wtf Athabasca?! Can't you find me a closer spot?!


Ugh. :( That's a long way to drive for an exam. :(


My day today:


I just got back from the hotel gym. Finally getting back to working out after three weeks of living in hotels, driving from Ottawa to Edmonton, and moving from Munich! We did work out in a couple of the hotel gyms on our drive across the country, but it wasn't possible to do it everywhere. We have our two cats with us, and the various hotels have different policies as to whether or not pets can be left alone in hotel rooms. But we are now in a hotel where we can leave the cats alone for short periods of time if we let the front desk know and have a cell phone on us, so I can get to the gym. Yay!


I can't wait until our furniture and effects get here so we can move into our apartment and start living normally again. All this restaurant and fast food eating is getting very tiresome. I'm trying to do the healthy choices (and I'm doing breakfast in the room - Luna bar and orange juice ftw! ;)) but still, I know all this eating out isn't good for me.


My husband started working at his new regiment today. He'll have time off when our furniture and effects get here, but for now, he's on duty. He's the DCO (Deputing Commanding Officer) so he'll be plenty busy. So I'm alone in the hotel with our two Sphynx, but at least I can go out for short periods of time, due to the policy I mentioned above.

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