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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I wish all of my days were like yesterday. The whole day just made me enjoy my life (well, except for the afternoon part where I kind of made my friend feel bad without actually wanting to.... I guess need to stop with teasing). But the whole day was pretty f*ing awesome. I think the best part was the realization of how much someone cares for you. Just a great way to end a pretty awesome day. lol

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Conditional offer on a home. I hope the inspection goes well. If we get this, I'll just be 10 minutes from UofT.


Aahhhh, the bliss of no commuting.


Good luck! :)


No commuting is nice - our new apartment is one light rail stop away from U of Alberta, which is nice, although when the weather is suitable I can easily bike or walk.


My husband has to do all the commuting, but he's going against the rush hour traffic as he is travelling out of Edmonton towards the base (which is North of the city) and hey, he has free parking on the base. :)

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Conditional offer on a home. I hope the inspection goes well. If we get this, I'll just be 10 minutes from UofT.


Aahhhh, the bliss of no commuting.


10 min is perfect. I was 10 min by bus to UVic.

It's close enough that it's not a big deal to get there, but far enough away that you won't want to go home to eat, and then wind up staying at home. :D

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Good luck! :)


No commuting is nice - our new apartment is one light rail stop away from U of Alberta, which is nice, although when the weather is suitable I can easily bike or walk.


My husband has to do all the commuting, but he's going against the rush hour traffic as he is travelling out of Edmonton towards the base (which is North of the city) and hey, he has free parking on the base. :)


Thanks! This is a huge huge deal for me right now


10 min is perfect. I was 10 min by bus to UVic.

It's close enough that it's not a big deal to get there, but far enough away that you won't want to go home to eat, and then wind up staying at home. :D


What's even better is that there are 2 bus lines running to campus. They deviate further away but that doesn't affect me.

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Saw my first few surgeries today :D


Fantastic experience, learned a lot!

Although I've been working with surgeons this entire year, I've never considered becoming a surgeon until today after being in the OR for a few hours :D


Scheduled to go back in on Thursday for a few great cases, then probably one last time the week after. Then, it's off to Ottawa :D

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I am sitting here looking forward to tomorrow!! After my kitty cat ran away 3 weeks ago, I told my hubby I wanted another pet. Today he surprised me with the announcement that he bought a mini pig (they bred to be about the size of a shiatzu!) We pick him up tomorrow!!! He showed me pictures and he is beyond adorable!

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Future_doc: You are TROLLING the forum. Now, I know that you have some mental stability issues I've been following this site for a couple years now and I just can't take it anymore.


Worst of all is your inability to accept criticism and your ridiculous smiley faces at the ends of posts (such as above) that only increase my perception of you as a mentally unstable individual.


If you think that I'm alone in this, start your own poll "Are the majority of future_doc's posts useless?" and see what you get. And don't create 1000 accounts to vote in your favor.


I offered to have a PM discussion with newbie which would have been civil. Instead he chose to go with nasty, personal attacks.


Firstly, I would like to tell newbie that our most esteemed and helpful member, a med student who gives of his time and advice to us all. rmorelan, regularly employs the smiley face and he is the best member of our forum, our very best advisor. So, at least, I am in good company although I do not compare myself to him. The smiley faces are provided to be used and any objection to their regular use by me reflects badly upon your skewed perception of reality and I feel sorry for you. .


A “troll” is a useless person who joins for the purpose of creating friction and will often copy their useless post on numerous other threads, sort of exactly what you are up to, newbie. A troll is a person who makes no positive contribution to the forum, who delights throwing about insults, personal attacks and sometimes will decide obsessively to go after one particular member. If the shoe fits, wear it.


Hey newbie troll, you need to mature and by going to the 'ignore' function, you need never see one of my posts again :) . Simple and effective and I have used this on more than one occasion. You are only aggravating yourself by reading my every post. :) It is abundantly clear to all what your current repeated posts everywhere say about you.


You are entirely free to create your own poll about me, I assure you it won't be the first and it won't be the last. :) And I certainly don't need to create any user names as you suggest to support myself, the name of the game is to help others, I would have thought you knew this. And as a hater, you need to join the end of the line.


You claim “I’ve been following this site for a couple of years now and I just can’t take it anymore.” You suggest that you find my posts useless. We are all entitled to our own opinions, we live in a free country where this is allowed.


So, I assume that you joined this forum for the purpose of going after me, such a noble goal, do you feel proud of yourself? Thank you for sharing! Do you feel any better or the worse for your obnoxious attacks? If you do not now feel better, may I suggest that you do not self-medicate as a teen on this forum is doing, but rather that you consult a mental health professional so as to ensure that all is well and healthy upstairs and that you are not about to suffer a breakdown of any sort. Or, at least go to mummy to sooth you, she will know how to calm you down from one of your reoccurring temper tantrums.


Grow up, become a positive contributor to this forum, don't be so aggressive – or leave!


Insulting behaviour accomplishes nothing other than showing us all who you are, what you are and your limitations of appropriate and decent civil communication. :)


To so aggressively attack another member and accuse a member of mental instability shows us all so much about who you are, the state of your emotional, psychological and intellectual well being. Such factors, among others, like empathy and compassion, are of importance for those hoping to become physicians. So long as you are aware that your excessive and obsessive rants, posts about your feeling toward me do you serious harm on this forum and if known to adcoms, it would not be helpful to you. But then again, you are anonymous, so you to act without receiving the just consequences of your actions.


I bring to your attention, in connection with your accusation relating to “mental instability”, that you have submitted the same post on 3 occasions on the following threads:

W.E.D. & What would you buy with $50 (both identical posts within 60 seconds of each other yesterday @ 10:34 AM, and

Laptop woes (2 minutes earlier).


Additionally, at 10:30 AM you made a post on Adderal Thread calling me a troll.


At 9:20 AM on the Laptop woes Thread,

at 9:20 AM again, on the What would you buy with $50 Thread (within 60 seconds),

at 9:21 AM again, on the WED Thread

at 9:24 AM (for ephasis no doubt) on the Laptop woes Thread,

you asked me if I was insane and dumb. I will try to answer you (but wish to point out the above says what it says about your own mental health issues:


I would merely suggest to you that an insane person would be incapable of recognizing their insanity, the same for a dumb person, an obsessive and compulsive person – but I presume that you would know this already.


I leave it to medical professionals to determine if you are obsessive, compulsive, have mental stability issues or any other medical condition.


I do not claim that you have any mental instability issues, I am not trained in the field. Only a trained physician in the field could make a diagnosis on your condition. However, I do find your behaviour at a minimum bizarre, strange, unnatural, discourteous and offensive but my own viewpoint may be clouded by any mental instability you claim to have discovered.


Play nice, chill, we are here to help each other, this is the true purpose of this forum. And should you be offended with anything I say or do, act in an appropriate and reasonable manner without personal attacks and childish outbursts and tantrums. Your parents did not bring you up to act this way! Insults and attacks are deemed problematic and can be deleted by the mods. But then again, you believe that you are immune b/c there are not enough mods to do this.


Offensive people, offense comments are offensive to all decent people and offensive members have no right to be members of this forum, they do it a serious disservice by their vary presence.


I have every confidence in the fullness of time that you will mature and perhaps, improve.


I forgive you for you show every indication of being out of control and not truly being aware of what you are doing.


And if you cannot take it anymore, please leave - we were doing quite well without Dumblydorr (you chose your user name, not me).


You are off to a flying start as a newbie troll. It really cannot get any worse. Come back with a new user name and start over from scratch. Shame on you. You are a silly, little girl and should know better than to have these public temper tantrums. Treat your b/f like that and he will be gone, try it on your mother and you won’t be living at home..



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Keep watching Leon.


Sigh...mortgage deadline approaching....ahhhhh.


You'll get it for sure. :) LOST is so interesting- I just wish they'd cut down on the backstory.


In other news, I just found out that the other forum I frequent has 26 000 active members- wayyyyy in excess of what I believed. :eek:

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lovely Sunday morning in C-town.


Not having a car makes every time I leave the house a mission. Yesterday I got the bus to the mall just to buy clothes hangers. Thank god it's August and not February.


Not having a car has motivated me that much more to get accepted to meds this year. If I get accepted, a car is the first thing going on my LoC.


Ooooh, maybe I'll get some more groceries today!

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lovely Sunday morning in C-town.


Not having a car makes every time I leave the house a mission. Yesterday I got the bus to the mall just to buy clothes hangers. Thank god it's August and not February.


Not having a car has motivated me that much more to get accepted to meds this year. If I get accepted, a car is the first thing going on my LoC.


Ooooh, maybe I'll get some more groceries today!


Yeah, we flew up to house hunt and not having our car was a big pain in the ass. But only one of us will get to use it during the day...I'm betting I'm gonna be sitting on that blasted bus to and from school all the time. Ugh. A second car will be my first purchase. MY OWN car.

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