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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I just had an angry argument with my university's finance department over the phone. I was trying to figure out why I was invoiced with all these random charges. Turns out, they had my account confused with someone else's, even though I kept telling the person who I was and was answering all her questions with stuff that only I would know. She kept insisting that I was lying and that I was really some guy in journalism. Best part of the conversation was when she said "Listen mister, I've been doing this job for 20 years and making your voice sound higher pitched and feminine isn't going to work with me. Use your regular voice please." So I hung up. I'll call again tomorrow since she told me that's when her boss is in the office.


Haven't mutated yet? :P LOL.


I know what you mean. I had an argument with my university's financial department because they still haven't released my scholarship money (a total of $5,000 mind you). I have been dealing with them for the past 3 months. Money has been there for the past 2 months. Last time I talked with them, I told them that if they don't release the funds by next week, they won't be dealing with me, but my lawyer. In reality - they have no case, because I know when the funds were released, when they arrived and I carefully saved all of their e-mails. Jerks!!!!

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Haven't mutated yet? :P LOL.


I know what you mean. I had an argument with my university's financial department because they still haven't released my scholarship money (a total of $5,000 mind you). I have been dealing with them for the past 3 months. Money has been there for the past 2 months. Last time I talked with them, I told them that if they don't release the funds by next week, they won't be dealing with me, but my lawyer. In reality - they have no case, because I know when the funds were released, when they arrived and I carefully saved all of their e-mails. Jerks!!!!

I should start a club 'Students Against Financial Departments' but SAFD isn't a catchy acronym.
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I just had an angry argument with my university's finance department over the phone. I was trying to figure out why I was invoiced with all these random charges. Turns out, they had my account confused with someone else's, even though I kept telling the person who I was and was answering all her questions with stuff that only I would know. She kept insisting that I was lying and that I was really some guy in journalism. Best part of the conversation was when she said "Listen mister, I've been doing this job for 20 years and making your voice sound higher pitched and feminine isn't going to work with me. Use your regular voice please." So I hung up. I'll call again tomorrow since she told me that's when her boss is in the office.


OMG. I would go to the office just so she could squirm and apologize.

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I just had an angry argument with my university's finance department over the phone. I was trying to figure out why I was invoiced with all these random charges. Turns out, they had my account confused with someone else's, even though I kept telling the person who I was and was answering all her questions with stuff that only I would know. She kept insisting that I was lying and that I was really some guy in journalism. Best part of the conversation was when she said "Listen mister, I've been doing this job for 20 years and making your voice sound higher pitched and feminine isn't going to work with me. Use your regular voice please." So I hung up. I'll call again tomorrow since she told me that's when her boss is in the office.


Wow. I would go into office though I'm guessing you're not around the area atm.




In other news:




Homeostatic Failure imminent!!!

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Best part of the conversation was when she said "Listen mister, I've been doing this job for 20 years and making your voice sound higher pitched and feminine isn't going to work with me. Use your regular voice please." So I hung up. I'll call again tomorrow since she told me that's when her boss is in the office.


I don't know why people think that by telling us that they have had the same job for 20-yrs without advancement, that it's supposed to impress us. :rolleyes:


Sorry if that sounds mean, my back hurts a lot today and I tend to become a terrible person online.

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OMG. I would go to the office just so she could squirm and apologize.


Wow. I would go into office though I'm guessing you're not around the area atm.
Yeah, I basically felt like storming someone's office, but I'm not close enough today and I couldn't justify spending an hour driving there (I'm feeling too lazy).
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Oh, OOP inspections can do that to you.


I would tell you to bring it to us and we would fix it and be nice, but we are a whole continent and a ferry ride away. :(


Year/make/model stuff wrong- I can give you an estimate of what it should cost...feel free to PM, it wouldn't take me long.

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What does it take to fail an inspection?


Too much rust

Bumper that doesn't run the full width of the front

Safety stuff like lights burned out

Brakes not working

speedo not working


You name it. I think there are about 70+ items on the list.


We bring in the crazy RightHandDrive vehicles from Japan, and then we have to compliance them. Our newest rig, named Snowie, is going in today. She is lovely and will pass easily, but we know what to check for.

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Well, I think I'll be leaving the forums for a while. People are totally misinterpreting what I'm writing.


I may have a different view on things than some - I'm older than your typical pre-med for one, I've lived in Germany for the past four years, and I've visited countries where Westerners typically aren't welcome (visited Saudi Arabia three times when my dad was working there). I'm an army wife. I've been exposed to German history, language, culture, TV, radio, etc. I've spoken to WWII German vets, and many Canadian WWII vets (both my husband's grandfather, still alive, and my grandfather, now deceased, are WWII vets). I've personally visited Dachau. I've visited Commonwealth grave sites all over Europe. I've been to Beaumont-Hamel and Vimy. I take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies every Remembrance Day, and I am honoured to do so.


But people seem to be purposefully misinterpreting what I write, so I'm just going to leave for a while.

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I've been following the thread. You've been very diplomatic and careful with what you are writing - and I'd certainly say that you have a very valid point and opinion on the matter. While it appears some don't agree with your opinion, I certainly don't think theres anything wrong with it. The fact that they're attacking you about it and twisting it around is probably the unfortunate result of it being posted in a religious thread that has everybody feeling very defensive.


Don't worry about what they're saying. You're not coming across poorly in my opinion.

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Oh, OOP inspections can do that to you.


I would tell you to bring it to us and we would fix it and be nice, but we are a whole continent and a ferry ride away. :(


Year/make/model stuff wrong- I can give you an estimate of what it should cost...feel free to PM, it wouldn't take me long.


1999 Lumina, Chev. The stuff that's wrong doesn't even make sense to me...all the things you've listed below we already have fixed. The only thing I know of is the coolant leak. They gave us a $2500 estimate, but we don't think that's worth it for the age of the car. Sigh.


What does it take to fail an inspection?



Too much rust

Bumper that doesn't run the full width of the front

Safety stuff like lights burned out

Brakes not working

speedo not working


You name it. I think there are about 70+ items on the list.


We bring in the crazy RightHandDrive vehicles from Japan, and then we have to compliance them. Our newest rig, named Snowie, is going in today. She is lovely and will pass easily, but we know what to check for.


All those work.


Looking at the sheet: leaks on a few things and they want to redo the brakes. We just had the brakes redone. How does that add to 2500? Oh wait. Labour. Bastards.

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1999 Lumina, Chev. The stuff that's wrong doesn't even make sense to me...all the things you've listed below we already have fixed. The only thing I know of is the coolant leak. They gave us a $2500 estimate, but we don't think that's worth it for the age of the car. Sigh.


Looking at the sheet: leaks on a few things and they want to redo the brakes. We just had the brakes redone. How does that add to 2500? Oh wait. Labour. Bastards.


1999 Lumina, Chev. The stuff that's wrong doesn't even make sense to me...all the things you've listed below we already have fixed. The only thing I know of is the coolant leak. They gave us a $2500 estimate, but we don't think that's worth it for the age of the car. Sigh.


Looking at the sheet: leaks on a few things and they want to redo the brakes. We just had the brakes redone. How does that add to 2500? Oh wait. Labour. Bastards.


1999 Lumina, Chev. The stuff that's wrong doesn't even make sense to me...all the things you've listed below we already have fixed. The only thing I know of is the coolant leak. They gave us a $2500 estimate, but we don't think that's worth it for the age of the car. Sigh.


Looking at the sheet: leaks on a few things and they want to redo the brakes. We just had the brakes redone. How does that add to 2500? Oh wait. Labour. Bastards.


3.1 or 3.8L engine?


When/where did you have the brakes done last? They might be under warranty. NAPA, for example, will replace parts that are failing, and they will probably pay for the labour to do the work too. Contact the shop that did the brakes.


Brakes: Front

$50-100 for pads

Maybe $160 for the 2 rotors

About 2 hours


Brakes: rear

$50-100 for the lining

$100-150 for 2 rotors

About 1.5-2 hours


The labour times often go up on vehicles- those times are based on vehicles being "California new", not ones that have spent the past 10 winters in salty snow.


Labour- sigh. It is so expensive to run a shop, probably more than most people realize.

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Well, I think I'll be leaving the forums for a while. People are totally misinterpreting what I'm writing.


I may have a different view on things than some - I'm older than your typical pre-med for one, I've lived in Germany for the past four years, and I've visited countries where Westerners typically aren't welcome (visited Saudi Arabia three times when my dad was working there). I'm an army wife. I've been exposed to German history, language, culture, TV, radio, etc. I've spoken to WWII German vets, and many Canadian WWII vets (both my husband's grandfather, still alive, and my grandfather, now deceased, are WWII vets). I've personally visited Dachau. I've visited Commonwealth grave sites all over Europe. I've been to Beaumont-Hamel and Vimy. I take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies every Remembrance Day, and I am honoured to do so.


But people seem to be purposefully misinterpreting what I write, so I'm just going to leave for a while.


I'm sorry that you've had either some communication problems or straight up disagreements with other posters, but this strikes me as over-reacting. You don't have to justify yourself to people over the internet... you can ignore this post or any post... but it seems like you enjoy the forums... so why sweat it when a couple of threads don't go your way? I only say this because your last sentence seems to indicate you'd rather stay but for these "misinterpretations".

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