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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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So I've decided to move out of my place in Waterloo into something cheaper and closer. Bad idea? Maybe. But f*ck it. I'm tired dealing with roommates and paying for cable which I don't use. I already found a place of interest. 2mins away from campus. Pretty sweet. And way cheaper.

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You mean the year that you started at UofT? And intensified over the summer after you burntout? And exponentially intensified over the past few weeks right when the new school year started after a summer of continually working too hard at the lab and taking courses? Your mental psyche is not invincible. Stop blaming other things. :P


Stop looking for non existent parallels! ;) You should've majored in Philosophy. Considering that I have to spend the next 2 years here, I'd prefer to view the campus in a more positive light.


*desperately clings onto illogical reasoning*





"Snooki" from Jersey Shore has just signed a book deal.


I think I just died a little inside.

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"Snooki" from Jersey Shore has just signed a book deal.


I think I just died a little inside.


Oh! Ehm! Gee! I'm OH so EXCITED :rolleyes:


I think I just a barfed a little. *gag*


As bad as Miley Cyrus having someone pen her an autobiography a few years ago- a) WTF?! You're under the age of 30?! and B) and AUTObiography means it's written by YOU... as soon as someone else writes it, it's just a biography. Dumbass.


What's this world coming to? lol



Enjoying not worry about med apps right now:D.... My goal is to not have to pull a last minute thing with Calgary........


Yeah right:rolleyes:

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So I've decided to move out of my place in Waterloo into something cheaper and closer. Bad idea? Maybe. But f*ck it. I'm tired dealing with roommates and paying for cable which I don't use. I already found a place of interest. 2mins away from campus. Pretty sweet. And way cheaper.


I thought it would be a good idea to live with my sister. It was sooooo stupid of me.

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Did you hear of Justin Bieber's autobio? He's hardly out of his pampers!


Haha! I actually saw that in Wal-mart the other day and had another WTF? moment. Haha.. maybe I should write an autobio. I mean, I might not be famous, but come on, I'm sure I'd be slightly more entertaining to read about than Justin Bieber. And at least I'd be the one writing it. So it'd actually be an autobio.


Actually thinking about it... maybe I should put out a record too. I mean if someone like him, with no talent can get a bajillion followers, I'm sure I could too. I may have almost zero talent too, but at least I know it :P


EDIT: Just clicked on the link... The one I saw was different than this one... so he's done so much that he has 2?! What... is he the first person to get a 45T MCAT or something?;)

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Since when did he learn to write...


Ghostwriters. I HATE people who make use of ghostwriters and give the public the impression that they wrote it themselves.


I think his autobio was meant to cover his "rise to fame" or whateva. :rolleyes:

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Bought a new car today. Had Andrew introduce me as his "wife". Awkward moment that I'm not happy with. Wtf do you think separation means?


He might have just done it out of habit. Maybe not, but I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt here. :)


I have to miss school on Thurs to go to court (!). I think I'm going to miss my school "refuge". Since Mon is a holiday, I'm not going to be there for about 10 days! Amazing. I miss it already.

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One quick thing about credit cards-


Did you know that small businesses have to pay about 3% per transaction when you use a credit card? And then if you return the money to the card, they pay again?


Now that I have my business, I avoid using a card at small businesses. We have paid over $1000 in a single month to moneris in fees just to have the privilege of having our terminal.


And the card companies are so bad- we were bound by contract until just a few months ago to NOT tell you any of this.


I still use my card when I go to big businesses, though. :)

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Unfortunately, I have run into too much fraud with my debit card so I prefer to use credit cards everywhere and then pay the balance at the end of the month. I have more protection from the creditcard company than I do from my bank if something goes awry.


There are many honest merchants out there, but it only takes one or two small places to really sour the taste in one's mouth. I've been defrauded on both, but the trouble of getting money back after fraudulent debit purchases/withdrawals appeared isn't worth the hassle. :( So much for 'more secure' interac cards...those of you who think the chip technology helps, think again. Been defrauded with those cards too.


Just another reason why the small business owner can't survive. It's awful!

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One quick thing about credit cards-


Did you know that small businesses have to pay about 3% per transaction when you use a credit card? And then if you return the money to the card, they pay again?


Now that I have my business, I avoid using a card at small businesses. We have paid over $1000 in a single month to moneris in fees just to have the privilege of having our terminal.


And the card companies are so bad- we were bound by contract until just a few months ago to NOT tell you any of this.


I still use my card when I go to big businesses, though. :)


Fact: most businesses that do not offer credit card purchases have less sales.

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