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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I hope to feel cheery after I meet with my lawyer. I want this agreement drawn up and signed ASAP. Christmas is kinda the wrong time of year to ask for a separation people...just so y'all know.


It's still a month away so hopefully things will settle before then. :)


Yea cause I was talking to you for like 30mins last night. :P


45 mins actually and I ended up waking at 7 instead of 3 lol

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EDIT: Law: I like Mithril's idea of ordering a ton of ice cream in celebration. I think that's what I'll be doing *if* I ever get in. That or eating a ton of Ferrero Rocher chocolate. Or both. Together. Omg... could you imagine Ferrero Rocher ice cream? * insert Homer Simpson drool here * :o
There already is Ferrero Rocher ice cream!
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There already is Ferrero Rocher ice cream!


O.M.G! Are you serious?!?! Where is this?!?! How can I buy it?!?! (Watch me gain 100lbs in a week :P) Seriously- that would be amazing. The two bestest foods ever invented... Together?! :D


I'm in desparate need of a vacation. I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Or like a mouse on a mouse wheel.... And I'm not even in class (unless you count my Athabasca U courses... Which I haven't had a chance to work on in a week) right now! December can't come fast enough! :D

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My roommates are ****ing annoying. It's not enough that I have a research proposal for a huge project due tomorrow, 40 page paper due next week, 20 page lab report, 10 page essay and to top it all off, tons of data to analyze and study for an exam next Tuesday... but I also have to correct their 10 page essay.... UGH... :mad: When is someone going to look at my essays and reports?!?!?!?


And no, I can't say no, because I'm too nice of a person. fml.

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My roommates are ****ing annoying. It's not enough that I have a research proposal for a huge project due tomorrow, 40 page paper due next week, 20 page lab report, 10 page essay and to top it all off, tons of data to analyze and study for an exam next Tuesday... but I also have to correct their 10 page essay.... UGH... :mad: When is someone going to look at my essays and reports?!?!?!?


And no, I can't say no, because I'm too nice of a person. fml.


Loud bass from my neighbor is driving me nuts. Exam tmr, sleep deprived. Time to give up.

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Loud bass from my neighbor is driving me nuts. Exam tmr, sleep deprived. Time to give up.


I feel for ya. I think I might run to the store to stock up on chocolate. :rolleyes:


Oh yes, and it was the worst essay I have read. She just basically took whatever the book was saying without actually putting any thoughts of her own. Jeez...

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I'm grading an assignment for a 1st year science course. Basically, all the students had to do is pick a non-infectious disease and write a 1 page, double spaced essay about it. They could write about anything they wanted, as long as it was about the disease, like a definition, history, epidemiology, etc. It's worth 8% of the course grade and the marking scheme is very generous. Basically, you do the essay and make it somewhat coherent and you get the full 8%.


So there's a student who's been getting 100% on everything. This is their last assignment of the term and there's no final exam. The student turns in an essay. It's about Tay–Sachs, and the essay reads (and this is the entire essay) "Tay-Sachs is rare. Jewish people are at risk. Quebec people are at risk. Maybe Jewish people from Quebec are at twice the risk."


The student gets 0.25/8 since they actually submitted something about a non-infectious disease. They had to do the assignment because if you skip an assignment without a good reason (doctor's note, etc.) you lose the 20% class participation grade.


My question is, would you have been a good, 100% student, and done the 1 page essay properly. Or, would you have been like the student above? (they get a final grade of A+ either way- no percent grades are reported on our transcript)

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I'm grading an assignment for a 1st year science course. Basically, all the students had to do is pick a non-infectious disease and write a 1 page, double spaced essay about it. They could write about anything they wanted, as long as it was about the disease, like a definition, history, epidemiology, etc. It's worth 8% of the course grade and the marking scheme is very generous. Basically, you do the essay and make it somewhat coherent and you get the full 8%.


So there's a student who's been getting 100% on everything. This is their last assignment of the term and there's no final exam. The student turns in an essay. It's about Tay–Sachs, and the essay reads (and this is the entire essay) "Tay-Sachs is rare. Jewish people are at risk. Quebec people are at risk. Maybe Jewish people from Quebec are at twice the risk."


The student gets 0.25/8 since they actually submitted something about a non-infectious disease. They had to do the assignment because if you skip an assignment without a good reason (doctor's note, etc.) you lose the 20% class participation grade.


My question is, would you have been a good, 100% student, and done the 1 page essay properly. Or, would you have been like the student above? (they get a final grade of A+ either way- no percent grades are reported on our transcript)


Hahahahahah... That's awesome. Well, if no % was reported on the transcript and I would get an A+ either way, what's the point of writing? lol. Yes. I would be lazy.

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I'm grading an assignment for a 1st year science course. Basically, all the students had to do is pick a non-infectious disease and write a 1 page, double spaced essay about it. They could write about anything they wanted, as long as it was about the disease, like a definition, history, epidemiology, etc. It's worth 8% of the course grade and the marking scheme is very generous. Basically, you do the essay and make it somewhat coherent and you get the full 8%.


So there's a student who's been getting 100% on everything. This is their last assignment of the term and there's no final exam. The student turns in an essay. It's about Tay–Sachs, and the essay reads (and this is the entire essay) "Tay-Sachs is rare. Jewish people are at risk. Quebec people are at risk. Maybe Jewish people from Quebec are at twice the risk."


The student gets 0.25/8 since they actually submitted something about a non-infectious disease. They had to do the assignment because if you skip an assignment without a good reason (doctor's note, etc.) you lose the 20% class participation grade.


My question is, would you have been a good, 100% student, and done the 1 page essay properly. Or, would you have been like the student above? (they get a final grade of A+ either way- no percent grades are reported on our transcript)


That sounds exactly like something I would do...

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I'm grading an assignment for a 1st year science course. Basically, all the students had to do is pick a non-infectious disease and write a 1 page, double spaced essay about it. They could write about anything they wanted, as long as it was about the disease, like a definition, history, epidemiology, etc. It's worth 8% of the course grade and the marking scheme is very generous. Basically, you do the essay and make it somewhat coherent and you get the full 8%.


So there's a student who's been getting 100% on everything. This is their last assignment of the term and there's no final exam. The student turns in an essay. It's about Tay–Sachs, and the essay reads (and this is the entire essay) "Tay-Sachs is rare. Jewish people are at risk. Quebec people are at risk. Maybe Jewish people from Quebec are at twice the risk."


The student gets 0.25/8 since they actually submitted something about a non-infectious disease. They had to do the assignment because if you skip an assignment without a good reason (doctor's note, etc.) you lose the 20% class participation grade.


My question is, would you have been a good, 100% student, and done the 1 page essay properly. Or, would you have been like the student above? (they get a final grade of A+ either way- no percent grades are reported on our transcript)


Done it correctly. Professors had the bad habits to remember my name so if I ever write something like that, it would have a very bad effect on my reputation here at university ( i'm in a small university so... )

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yah I'm surprised they wrote that much. That is 100% without question what I would've done.


I had a 10% question on my graduate course exam that I really had no clue. So, instead of my classmates (who wrote a full page of nonsense), I simply wrote:


"Literally anything I put in here will be complete BS, so I'm just going to spare you the time. I'm sorry"


I didn't care because I knew the rest of the exam really well.

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yah I'm surprised they wrote that much. That is 100% without question what I would've done.


I had a 10% question on my graduate course exam that I really had no clue. So, instead of my classmates (who wrote a full page of nonsense), I simply wrote:


"Literally anything I put in here will be complete BS, so I'm just going to spare you the time. I'm sorry"


I didn't care because I knew the rest of the exam really well.


Hahahah... I wrote something along the same lines for my first exam. I read the question... I had no idea what the answer was so I started writing everything I knew (literally going in circles and not getting to the point) and at the end I wrote (now this prof knows me very well and we're on a first name basis and we joke around all the time): "What I wrote is clearly bull****. I don't know what the answer is". It got me 0.25/5 marks just for writing that. lol.

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God I hope so, he's threatening to just file for bankruptcy rather than pay child support and alimony :(


cnussey- i'm not sure if this applies but i've read that bankruptcy does not remove a parents obligation from paying child support debts they have... however, i'm not sure if declaring bankruptcy prevents you from ever having to pay child support... that would be something to clarify with a lawyer.


the interesting thing would be to see if a judge would actually permit the action of filing bankruptcy... unless of course he is actually in a sitaution that merits it.


anyways, i'm terribly sorry to hear about this and i hope it works out.


if you need me to bust some kneecaps... i know people.

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Tell me where that guy lives so we can go chop him up in little pieces and make chilli out of it for the p101 community.


Secret's in the sauce?


*tons of huge e-hugs* Cnussey! I am very short and not too menacing looking (looks are deceiving ;))... I'd be the perfect person to beat some sense into him- I wouldn't look like a threat and then.... KAPOW... BAM.... BOOM... Just like an old-school Batman fight. He wouldn't know what hit him;) :D

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