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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job.


I especially hate talking to people about their stupid, 4" lifted 1999 Ford Explorer (yes, it looks as stupid as it sounds) and why the tires are rubbing. No, I really don't want to chase down extra-long, oddball shocks for your stupid vehicle, and then just have you tell me that 99$ is too much to pay for them. Gah. I just spent an hour on that, with the guy hovering over me in the office. With BO. And askig if there's "a guy" he can talk to about it.

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I had this weird dream. You know those VERY realistic ones? Well, when I woke up I thought all of my life is figured out. Like literally, the dream covered all of the most important aspects in my life (this happened in an hour). And you know what?! If it does work out that way, this ain't going to be such a bad life afterall..... :P:D


Edit: http://deathtofitness.blogspot.com/ This. blog. is. great. lol


I read this blog leap. I agree with many of his sentiments. And those ab exercises look like torture!:eek:

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I had this weird dream. You know those VERY realistic ones? Well, when I woke up I thought all of my life is figured out. Like literally, the dream covered all of the most important aspects in my life (this happened in an hour). And you know what?! If it does work out that way, this ain't going to be such a bad life afterall..... :P:D


Edit: http://deathtofitness.blogspot.com/ This. blog. is. great. lol

It wasn't a dream...it was a premonition (but without the negative connotation). :eek:


Just so y'all know...concussions suck.
:( *ehugs*
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I think there are some guys on here who were talking about doing p90x.


But yeah, I liked the blog.


I checked out the blog... it sounds promising. He certainly has a strong point of view.


I tend to agree that fitness has changed, we've come a long way... but we do tend to focus a bit too much on cookie cutter workouts.


I did P90X for about 5 weeks, plus I was training for a half marathon (running 4x per week) and I was playing softball (2x per week) and studying for the MCAT... haha that was a stupid crazy summer. P90X lost out to everthing else due to the fact that it really was exactly what the blog said. A very restrictive diet, 6 days a week of exercise, non practical exercises... ultimately, if you follow it and the diet you will lose weight, you will look good... but just like other stuff- if you stop doing it or change the diet you'll go back to the way you were.


Fitness isn't a fad, fitness is a way of life. You should enjoy yourself doing it... it shouldn't be a pain in your ass (well it should, but in the literal sense).


Anyways, that was one of the things I liked about CrossFit- it was all about functional fitness and being good across many domains rather than honing your skills in just one area of fitness. What I didn't like about it was the price and the fact that at the end of the day- I want professionals training me... not guys who went out and got certified in CrossFit.


I really do think that true personal trainers should have to go through some sort of university/college degree/diploma like a physio would. It should then be something included in health care/extended benefits because the **** that people get away with now ie. charging 70.00/hr for a training session with minimal qualifications is a little freaky. And yes, I am aware of the Hkin degree and think that this is something that all personal trainers should have...


Anyways, that's my rant.


I'm thinking about joining the trevor linden gym in my area- 15.00/month... the treadmills have tv's on them... that, alone is worth the money.

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It wasn't a dream...it was a premonition (but without the negative connotation). :eek:


Let's hope so. lol.


I read this blog leap. I agree with many of his sentiments. And those ab exercises look like torture!:eek:


I think there are some guys on here who were talking about doing p90x.


But yeah, I liked the blog.


He's so amazing at describing the p90x that I couldn't have put it better myself. I believe when the guys were talking about it on this thread, I advised them not to do it and design a fitness program that would be suitable for them and their bodies. Hence, when I saw they weren't listening and I saw this blog, I decided to post it on here. The amount of fitness bull**** and lies that exists out there is amazing!!! If you take a look at the video on the blog, some of those exercises are going to HURT your back and you will be walking around in pain not because you had a good workout but because you hurt your body.


I checked out the blog... it sounds promising. He certainly has a strong point of view.


I tend to agree that fitness has changed, we've come a long way... but we do tend to focus a bit too much on cookie cutter workouts.


I did P90X for about 5 weeks, plus I was training for a half marathon (running 4x per week) and I was playing softball (2x per week) and studying for the MCAT... haha that was a stupid crazy summer. P90X lost out to everthing else due to the fact that it really was exactly what the blog said. A very restrictive diet, 6 days a week of exercise, non practical exercises... ultimately, if you follow it and the diet you will lose weight, you will look good... but just like other stuff- if you stop doing it or change the diet you'll go back to the way you were.


Fitness isn't a fad, fitness is a way of life. You should enjoy yourself doing it... it shouldn't be a pain in your ass (well it should, but in the literal sense).


Anyways, that was one of the things I liked about CrossFit- it was all about functional fitness and being good across many domains rather than honing your skills in just one area of fitness. What I didn't like about it was the price and the fact that at the end of the day- I want professionals training me... not guys who went out and got certified in CrossFit.


I really do think that true personal trainers should have to go through some sort of university/college degree/diploma like a physio would. It should then be something included in health care/extended benefits because the **** that people get away with now ie. charging 70.00/hr for a training session with minimal qualifications is a little freaky. And yes, I am aware of the Hkin degree and think that this is something that all personal trainers should have...


Anyways, that's my rant.


I'm thinking about joining the trevor linden gym in my area- 15.00/month... the treadmills have tv's on them... that, alone is worth the money.


Well, I think the problem is that everyone wants results right away. They don't understand (unless coming from a health profession) that it will take time to get your body into shape. When I started training for a marathon a couple of months ago, I didn't start off with insane workouts. I built up the workouts little by little. The most obvious improvement in your cardio starts to appear in the first month, but when it comes to muscle strength and endurance, it takes a while to build that up and to get your body going. And obviously, you have to keep at it. As soon as you stop exercising, your body will slowly go back to what it used to be. Many females (yes, I am picking on them! okay, and males) tend to believe that once I get my @$$ into shape, I won't EVER have to exercise again. It will just stay that way. Well, my dare to you then is to start wearing those awful uggs and see what happens to your posture after months of wearing no support shoes! Your body will adapt to this and it will throw balance off your ankles/knees/hips/spine. The body is linked - everything works in unison. So one thing starts to fail and all of the linked segments will go down the same road.


No wonder why so many people suffer from low back pain!!!!


If you want to improve your fitness, start to get educated about your body. Before you do that, find a fitness professional that is qualified (ie check their qualification) and ask them questions. Many people just follow what their fitness trainers say without questioning why they're doing it and how is this going to help me keep fit. It's all about arming yourself with info.

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Which is why I like yoga. It's gentle on all your joints, yet it stretches, tones, balances, and strengthens your body. It also gets your heart rate up if you balance it with proper breathing, and hold the poses as they're supposed to be held.


I could go on and on. But I'll stop here. :) Back to work.

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You'll win because you're awesome like that.



And if you're so good that you're nominated for an award, do you want to do my research for me? lol. The data I'm working with is being very uncooperative at the moment. :mad:


Thanks. I'm in a tough category. One of the students in the category got butchered last year so I'm not too worried about this person (unless he fixed his stuff up). However, the other person is a Ph.D. student and she's one of those crazy smart people and a really good presenter. So, I have a bit of work ahead of myself if I even want to have a shot at winning.


What is your research? Want to process my data because right now, I'm having a major headache in terms of my first presentation (the one that is not nominated for an award). Ugh...

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Thanks. I'm in a tough category. One of the students in the category got butchered last year so I'm not too worried about this person (unless he fixed his stuff up). However, the other person is a Ph.D. student and she's one of those crazy smart people and a really good presenter. So, I have a bit of work ahead of myself if I even want to have a shot at winning.


What is your research? Want to process my data because right now, I'm having a major headache in terms of my first presentation (the one that is not nominated for an award). Ugh...

I'm working on making a prediction model for a health outcome (vague description, but I don't want to give away my secret identity. hehe). It's not something I'm interested in, at all really, but I took it up for the author listing since NEJM has shown a strong interest in publishing the results.
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body aches, stomach flu = world stopped and I am hating my life right now...


It's okay. I feel your burden... everytime I have one of those, it feels like God is punishing me.


And also, its not called the stomach flu! Flu only affects your respiratory tract, and its most like an enterotropic virus! Sorry, I felt the need to correct what has been mistakeningly dubbed the "flu" by the general public.

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