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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Are you serious??!!! For this school term, I still have 5 more midterms in total, 5 more exams with 3 on the same day, and one more essay. And I finish on the 28th when most people are done on the 20th... SO UNFAIR! lol :(


Oi that is pretty rough, I think the worst exam schedule I've ever seen though was one guy who had six courses (cause he was in engineering) with 5 exams in 2 1/2 days and then one exam on the last day of the exam period lol.

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I generally don't like to drive on the highway. I'm a safe driver, I just worry about the other cars. So yesterday, driving in a rain/freezing rain storm was not that great for me. Good thing Kingston isn't far. And then last night I made the rest of the drive down to London when I got a phone call from a friend asking me if I could drive her to the mall today. Yes...let me drive all the way from London just to take you to the mall. :rolleyes:

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There's another family member staying at my MILs house, has been for the last 6wks or so. I stay there once a week on my school night, so I meet with her then. In the 6 weeks, this lady has managed to:

-set the stove on fire

-melt the kettle

-fill the coffeemaker with vinegar to clean it, but then not be able to figure out how to turn it on to empty it

-leave the front door unlocked through the night on 2 separate occasions

-leave the door unlocked BUT put the deadbolt on, so that when I arrived at 10pm and needed to get in to go to sleep, I had to break in

-she wasn't able to print anything from the computer for 2 weeks, when she asked me to show her what she was doing wrong I pushed the ON button

-clog up the burr grinder for the espresso machine (plesae, oh please don't let her touch the expensive espresso machine)

-I showed her how to use my cell phone 3 times in the space of 10 minutes so she could make a call (my phone is old-school, not a smartphone or anything)

-I'm sure I'm forgetting something

-oh! I know. When the stove was set on fire, a little bit of plastic melted onto the stovetop. Probably the size of a dime. She wanted to buy a whole new stove/oven. I used a credit card edge to pop the plastic off.


She is sweet, but just totally technologically challenged. I have a lot of patience so I think she appreciates my help.

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Having a pretty productive day today (in my opinion). Well... up until I noticed that pm101 had fantasy baseball again:o. Hehe!


Getting things all organized now for this coming school year and stuff. Skating is going better (thank goodness- 12 days until provincials!) and I'm starting to stand up for myself a little more here at home. Ha- you push me, I'll push back.


I still have a crapton to do in the next two months and I hope I can get it all done. A different attitude does wonders for (almost) everything though :)


I should probably get back at it so I can be REALLY productive.....

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To top off my ****ty week:


1. Interview at Western went horribly: one interviewer alternated between interrupting me, looking bored and straight up cutting me off. It was really frustrating and I felt terrible afterwards.


2. Relationship troubles finally came to an end today with one last argument. We've continuously argued in the 2 some years together, so I'm a little shocked and distraught but the fault is pretty much my own.


3. Two assignments already LONG past due date MUST be turned in tomorrow. I'm completely stumped on one and the other one isn't looking any better.


*sigh. life is not being kind to me.



She is sweet, but just totally technologically challenged. I have a lot of patience so I think she appreciates my help.


Lucky for her that you ARE so patient! :)

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To top off my ****ty week:


1. Interview at Western went horribly: one interviewer alternated between interrupting me, looking bored and straight up cutting me off. It was really frustrating and I felt terrible afterwards.


2. Relationship troubles finally came to an end today with one last argument. We've continuously argued in the 2 some years together, so I'm a little shocked and distraught but the fault is pretty much my own.


3. Two assignments already LONG past due date MUST be turned in tomorrow. I'm completely stumped on one and the other one isn't looking any better.


*sigh. life is not being kind to me.




Lucky for her that you ARE so patient! :)



I'm right with you on point 2 amongst other things right now, and I'm really in a tough spot. I've only had a few serious relationships and I'm a wreck after. At this point, it's still getting worse on me and I just hate it so much.


I feel you pain, keep your chin up!

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This morning I was sitting on a crowded bus and an older woman got on with a bunch of bags, so I gave my seat up to her. She then proceeded to stomp on my feet multiple times (even though she was sitting down :confused: ) and then told me I should watch where I'm standing. *sigh*

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I finally have an answer to my recurring chest pains! Doctor said it's mild duodenitis so I should be good in 3 months while taking these pills.


I don't get to see the internist til Thursday...and have been dealing with a stitch in my ribs all day...


Stupid MI.

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You're great Cerena!! :)


Don't say weird... my term of choice is "unique" loool


Haha okay then, I'm "unique"! Haha! I've forgotten, do you like Glee? It's on tmrw... so excited!! Apparently someone is going to die this season during regionals?

Ohh and I did well on my physics test! Thank you, dear MCAT, for forcing me to study physics last summer until I wanted to pass out! lol

Annnd back to my essay... doo doo

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