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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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No! don't make me think about this right now- I need to work on my presentation!


I have to talk about myself for 1-3 minutes. In Russian.


I will say that I have an old dog and an evil cat.


Good luck!


I only know a few words in Russian/Ukrainian. A few of which are the greetings/responses for Christmas and Easter. I know how to say goodnight, nothing, hi-how-are-ya, the Russian/Ukrainian equivalent of "what the f-", the equivalent (albeit in Russian/Ukrainian it's not a nice thing to say) for "who the hell knows", and several phrases that should not be repeated in the presence of my Baba (lest my dad/Jaja get in trouble for the fact I know them). I say Russian/Ukrainian because I honestly don't know which they are. The slang is probably more Ukrainian and the religious respoonses are probably more Russian.


I can teach you some of the slang/bad words/phrases to throw in there... it would show a mastery of the language;).... or something anyways! :P

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me too.


And I knew the 2nd of your riddles and the answer to the 1st one once cnb "translated" it, but the number one is bothering me. *must not procrastinate by doing riddles*


Haha! I figured if I wasn't sleeping anyways, I may as well solve the riddle! I was better able to ignore everything else.


I think I lucked out though. I figured out the first letter (I knew J had to =I or A and in the context of it, only I made sense) and then I took a gamble on the fact that the last line (Xibu bn J?) was probably "What am I?" because that's the only question phrase I could think of with "...I?" at the end. So I was able to fill in a few from there. Then I was able to get "though" from the "th_ _ _h" I had and it came easy after that. I always look at cryptograms and go "OMG! I could never do that!" but I like trying to figure them out. I was just happy that this one was shorter. It was easier to figure out!


I need to stop procrastinating.... I've been doing too much procrastinating lately.




On a different note.... Where the hell is spring?! The ground is still completely covered in snow! And by completely, I mean by at least a foot and a half. In other areas it's closer to 3. I think I would take the blood-sucking mosquitoes and my allergic reaction that comes with it in exchange for some spring-like weather........


EDIT: And yes Cerena, you are evil! I want to figure out that last one.... but I have things I *should* do....... (Which is of course why I'm on pm101 in the first place! :P)

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On a different note.... Where the hell is spring?! The ground is still completely covered in snow! And by completely, I mean by at least a foot and a half. In other areas it's closer to 3. I think I would take the blood-sucking mosquitoes and my allergic reaction that comes with it in exchange for some spring-like weather........

You can come visit me for a vacation. Spring is here and there's no snow. It's the house down that one street with that one door that looks door-like and there are other houses close by. I think those directions are pretty clear.



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You can come visit me for a vacation. Spring is here and there's no snow. It's the house down that one street with that one door that looks door-like and there are other houses close by. I think those directions are pretty clear.




Omg! I totally know that house! Is that the one on the street that's across from the house with windows in the front? Besides the others that also look like they may have windows too? I know exactly where that is!:P


If all goes according to plan, I might be in your neck of the woods in August (Ottawa is my #1 place to move to) so if nothing else, by the sounds of it, I'll have some proper seasons! (And I'll be able to visit you on the street with the house with a door that looks door-like with the other houses close by:p.... Or at least at a Starbucks/Timmy's anyways:p)

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On a different note.... Where the hell is spring?! The ground is still completely covered in snow!


Spring is in Victoria. I am wearing capris and no socks today.


I feel like summer is coming up really fast and I don't want it to. I want more time to make decisions and sort out my life. Even if you're unhappy, it's still really hard to change the status quo and move on.

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Sorry for the double post but I had to share this. This kid makes me feel dumb. So very dumb.


.It's a scene out of "A Beautiful Mind." A mathematical genius scrawls his equations on the glass pane of a window.


This genius, however, happens to be only 12 years old. And he's about to disprove Einstein's theory of relativity.


Diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at a very young age, Jacob Barnett astonished family and teachers alike with his advanced intellect; he taught himself calculus and completed high school at the age of 8.


Jacob has an IQ of 170. He currently attends college-level advanced astrophysics classes. He can recite the first 200 digits of pi. And he's likely to make mathematical history before he's of legal age.


"Whenever I try talking about math with anyone in my family they just stare blankly," he told The Indianapolis Star.


Jacob's mother, Kristine, was unsure if her son's ideas were nonsense or genius; she sent a video of his theory, a "new expanded theory of relativity," to the Institute for Advanced Study near Princeton.


The Barnett's heard back from a professor. Diagnosis: math wizard.


"I'm impressed by his interest in physics and the amount that he has learned so far," astrophysics Professor Scott Tremaine wrote in an email, shared by the family. "The theory that he's working on involves several of the toughest problems in astrophysics and theoretical physics."


"Anyone who solves these will be in line for a Nobel Prize."


Jacob, who, in many ways is your typical 12-year-old kid who loves basketball, video games and the Disney Channel, stays awake at night with numbers and equations swimming in his head.


His mathematical sights are set on disproving the big bang theory, something Jacob claims doesn't make scientific sense.


"I'm still working on that," he said. "I have an idea, but… I'm still working out the details."


Einstein published his theory at the age of 26; Jacob is just weeks shy of being half that age.


Jacob's currently being recruited for a paid research position at Indiana University.



I find this kind of cool because (if memory serves right) Einstein didn't like his own theory of relativity much either.


I feel dumb. I barely grasped beginner calc and basic university physics took a lot of work:o

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I can only be happy for him! (and a tad jealous) When I was 12 I was only learning pre- algebra. He is definitely going places!


It took me 17 years to learn what he learned in 12.


As for Einstein's theory, it has perplexed me with regard to the fact that it breaks down under certain conditions. It is analogous to the ideal gas theory, it works when conditions are ideal (ie: earth like conditions (mod. temp and pressure)) but as soon as one factor changes the theory is garbage. It is not that the theory is wrong - per say, as there has been proof that it works. (ie: Cs 133 atomic clocks run faster on earth than in the space station for instance), however something is definitely missing/ not taken into account in the theory. Hopefully, he is smart enough to figure it out! :P

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Sorry for the double post but I had to share this. This kid makes me feel dumb. So very dumb.





I find this kind of cool because (if memory serves right) Einstein didn't like his own theory of relativity much either.


I feel dumb. I barely grasped beginner calc and basic university physics took a lot of work:o


I wish I could be like him :(

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Omg! I totally know that house! Is that the one on the street that's across from the house with windows in the front? Besides the others that also look like they may have windows too? I know exactly where that is!:P


If all goes according to plan, I might be in your neck of the woods in August (Ottawa is my #1 place to move to) so if nothing else, by the sounds of it, I'll have some proper seasons! (And I'll be able to visit you on the street with the house with a door that looks door-like with the other houses close by:p.... Or at least at a Starbucks/Timmy's anyways:p)

You might miss me. I may end up moving.



I need some motivation. blergh

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We oht sslauthgrir 502 oh weqljrl..... In,knf nksdls jsogihb... =gsdmlgo mfsduch bhdfmldeer... wwiasndsgh nthyatsbrt except you eoulfn'y yhink becvause nflksngsklgn...


O fof mrrry eomeonowne i rellwly 3qn6t4r to forenw a whirlewr.... so mewrnkewr haoeowtp; :D

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We oht sslauthgrir 502 oh weqljrl..... In,knf nksdls jsogihb... =gsdmlgo mfsduch bhdfmldeer... wwiasndsgh nthyatsbrt except you eoulfn'y yhink becvause nflksngsklgn...


O fof mrrry eomeonowne i rellwly 3qn6t4r to forenw a whirlewr.... so mewrnkewr haoeowtp; :D

This made me think. And it's 8:45am, so it's too early for me to be thinking right now. :(



Last train trip for the "season". Hopefully there's not another derailment.

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