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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Need to decide ASAP where I'm going (or more precisely, how to convince my parents where I want to go is a good thing and I'm not "abandoning them" and that yes, I have actually thought this through, contrary to what they may believe). Getting super stoked to actually be moving out though! A month from now I'll be prepping my car for THE BIG MOVE :D


That's so exciting!!

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Happy Birthday!


It's been so humid here... I just put a t-shirt on and it feels like it came out of the washer without drying :/ My books are all getting wavy too, hate that!


yea the weather here is not too humid, but a little chilly. kind of odd for june weather...


On a side note, I'm really hating the postal strike right now. And courier is not as reliable as I thought.

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yea the weather here is not too humid, but a little chilly. kind of odd for june weather...


On a side note, I'm really hating the postal strike right now. And courier is not as reliable as I thought.


The C-6 bill is going through senate today, most likely means a return to work early this week. I lost out on an amazon marketplace sale I made because of this.. had to cancel and now hoping the buyer will repurchase :/ Courier is soooo expensive!

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The C-6 bill is going through senate today, most likely means a return to work early this week. I lost out on an amazon marketplace sale I made because of this.. had to cancel and now hoping the buyer will repurchase :/ Courier is soooo expensive!


Hopefully the bill will go through. Though I thought that's what they said last week.. I agree, courier is tooo expensive if you need to use them often. And they are sort of slow now since everyone is using it. My lab kit somehow ended up in the states... and will take 1 week to arrive at the right location... >:(

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Hopefully the bill will go through. Though I thought that's what they said last week.. I agree, courier is tooo expensive if you need to use them often. And they are sort of slow now since everyone is using it. My lab kit somehow ended up in the states... and will take 1 week to arrive at the right location... >:(


That sucks :(


The bill will go through senate no problem as they're a majority, last step after House of Commons (past 3 days).

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I was woken up at 2am by younger brother 1 returning home drunkenly with his friend from a party. I eventually manage to go back to sleep around 3, after texting the pair to be quiet since younger brother 2 has a provincial exam tomorrow. At 3:15am I get a text from younger brother 2 asking who was just banging their fists against the front door and hammering the knocker; I'm nervous because I don't know whether drunkard brother 1 locked the door after returning home. Eventually I go upstairs, and with younger brother 2 go to the top floor of the house trying to find brother 1. We can only find his friend in bed, who is too drunk to speak when we wake him up. Eventually we find brother 2 passed out in a sitting position on a couch on the main floor near the front door; he obviously slept through the terrifying banging. Younger brother 1 sighs, and tells me we should take him up to his bed or else when my mom returns from her 7pm-7am shift tomorrow she will be furious. Brother 1 and I get brother 2 upstairs, and then brother 1 tells me "Don't worry, I have this, I always have to fix them up" and proceeds to get big glasses of water, vomit bowls and Tylenol for both of them.


It is now 4 am, and brother 1 is only now getting back to bed and his provincial is in 4 hours.


I am also certain that tomorrow brother 1 is going to accuse me of having a "stick up my ***" for calling my dad at work asking what I should do about the banging, because it exposed the fact he was out drinking his face off into the wee hours of the morning.



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Anime 2011 Summer season looks...meh. New CLAMP series seems exciting, and I do like Blood+; baka to test season 2 is also promising.


But other than that, why SUNRISE why....do you pick up stupid shows. Just give me another Gundam series. I'll watch that.


lol recently got into anime.. right now waiting to watch Blood+, Gundam 00 S2, and FMA Brotherhood (first few were boring). I finished watching high school of the dead all I can say is it is entertaining... ;)

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^ Oh dear lord HSOTD. male viewers rejoice, esp for that OVA.


you have to watch Madoka Magica. Google it. Most EPIC anime of 2010/2011...don't know if anything this year can beat it.



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I've yet to watch the OVA for HSOTD :o will look it up now. One thing that pisses me off about gundams is that most of the characters emo and bent on getting revenge.


Yeah don't worry bout it. It's a franchise trademark.


There are really great shows out there though....every year produces classics that are really worth the re-runs. Clannad is one of them...Ouran High School Host Club is another classic....Haruhi....RAINBOW...CODE GEASS...etc. My list is long....


And yes, stop judging out there. I read comics too >.>

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My bro was saying that the one guy had over 1000 rats in their place?! :/ Ew.


He also said that another lady had 50 cats.


To which my mom said: "Maybe the lady with the cats should get together with the guy with the rats. His problem would be solved pretty quickly. And she wouldn't have to worry about feeding her cats!"




I like watch that show sometimes. Especially when my dad's home. I always point it out that compared to their rooms, my bedroom is sparkling clean:D


I wish they'd have a follow-up show for intervention once a season- I want to know what the show's overall success ("to-date") rate is (ie how many are currently clean and sober vs how many went back to their old ways) and specifically how some of those people are doing right now. Makes me sad watching that show. I can totally understand how/why someone would turn to drugs and/or alcohol with some of those backstories (not that it's an excuse, but some of those people really have crap luck). Also, every time I see someone that's addicted to oxycontin/oxycodone, it makes me shake my head and wonder how they're able to get so many prescriptions for it! Just because someone can go to 5 different docs and get 5 different prescriptions doesn't mean that they should be able to fill all of them. I think there should be some sort of database of some sort (at the very least for the controlled prescriptions) where if I've already filled one prescription for oxycodone and I go somewhere else to try and fill another, my name is on a database and they say "no, you've already filled your allotted amount for this month. And because this prescription is not from the same doc, I can't fill this one." Obviously that doesn't prevent me from getting it illegally, but would it not make it a little bit more difficult for the average joe to get so very addicted/dependant on it if they can't obtain more that easily?

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My bro was saying that the one guy had over 1000 rats in their place?! :/ Ew.


He also said that another lady had 50 cats.


To which my mom said: "Maybe the lady with the cats should get together with the guy with the rats. His problem would be solved pretty quickly. And she wouldn't have to worry about feeding her cats!"




I like watch that show sometimes. Especially when my dad's home. I always point it out that compared to their rooms, my bedroom is sparkling clean:D


I wish they'd have a follow-up show for intervention once a season- I want to know what the show's overall success ("to-date") rate is (ie how many are currently clean and sober vs how many went back to their old ways) and specifically how some of those people are doing right now. Makes me sad watching that show. I can totally understand how/why someone would turn to drugs and/or alcohol with some of those backstories (not that it's an excuse, but some of those people really have crap luck). Also, every time I see someone that's addicted to oxycontin/oxycodone, it makes me shake my head and wonder how they're able to get so many prescriptions for it! Just because someone can go to 5 different docs and get 5 different prescriptions doesn't mean that they should be able to fill all of them. I think there should be some sort of database of some sort (at the very least for the controlled prescriptions) where if I've already filled one prescription for oxycodone and I go somewhere else to try and fill another, my name is on a database and they say "no, you've already filled your allotted amount for this month. And because this prescription is not from the same doc, I can't fill this one." Obviously that doesn't prevent me from getting it illegally, but would it not make it a little bit more difficult for the average joe to get so very addicted/dependant on it if they can't obtain more that easily?


Side track... my brother-in-law is a pharmacist at Jean-Coutu, and last summer (fall?) he was the victim of a hold-up (with a fake gun which he obviously didn't know) for their oxycodone stock :eek: They don't stock oxycontin at all along and they have a sign on the door saying so to discourage thieves lol. I have about 55 pills left out of my 60-pill prescription from my first surgery, I should sell them on the black market!

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Side track... my brother-in-law is a pharmacist at Jean-Coutu, and last summer (fall?) he was the victim of a hold-up (with a fake gun which he obviously didn't know) for their oxycodone stock :eek: They don't stock oxycontin at all along and they have a sign on the door saying so to discourage thieves lol. I have about 55 pills left out of my 60-pill prescription from my first surgery, I should sell them on the black market!


You can make a LOT of money. But risks of getting caught and thrown in jail are high too....


Karma moment.


PS: Michelle, thanks for the PM!

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Side track... my brother-in-law is a pharmacist at Jean-Coutu, and last summer (fall?) he was the victim of a hold-up (with a fake gun which he obviously didn't know) for their oxycodone stock :eek: They don't stock oxycontin at all along and they have a sign on the door saying so to discourage thieves lol. I have about 55 pills left out of my 60-pill prescription from my first surgery, I should sell them on the black market!



SAY NO to drugs!;)

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Hehe I know, just kidding. And they can always be useful some day ;)


hmm, how much you want for them? lol


Not even joking. I could use the odd one here and there. My T3's have run out and I am not a fan of having access to a great supply of pain meds so one's and two's here and there is ideal for me lol

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It's been really hard to be motivated to do anything after saying goodbye to Jasmine. Obviously, I've been trying to get back to normal but haven't been myself lately. Constant stomach ache, no motivation, no appetite whatsoever, no desire to do things I enjoy like tennis or piano, etc.


But today, I got some motivation (finally). I had a nightmare that I woke up and had not submitted my medical school application. And it was already September, so I had missed the deadline for UBC :S I woke up from the dream, and thinking it was true, I walked around my house for 10 minutes trying to figure out what to do. And getting really desperate, wondered if I could auction off anything to UBC like my shoes or my baking so they would take in my late application.


It's only June, guys. I still have time. Haha. Phew. :o

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It's been really hard to be motivated to do anything after saying goodbye to Jasmine. Obviously, I've been trying to get back to normal but haven't been myself lately. Constant stomach ache, no motivation, no appetite whatsoever, no desire to do things I enjoy like tennis or piano, etc.


But today, I got some motivation (finally). I had a nightmare that I woke up and had not submitted my medical school application. And it was already September, so I had missed the deadline for UBC :S I woke up from the dream, and thinking it was true, I walked around my house for 10 minutes trying to figure out what to do. And getting really desperate, wondered if I could auction off anything to UBC like my shoes or my baking so they would take in my late application.


It's only June, guys. I still have time. Haha. Phew. :o


*hugs* Cerena. I don't know if this will be of any use to you, but I'm putting it out there for anyone who may be in a similar situation. The University of Guelph's veterinary hospital has a pet loss support line. http://www.ovc.uoguelph.ca/petloss/ They also have resources on dealing with the loss of a pet.


Take care Cerena. My 'boys' are sending out long distance purrs for you.

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It's been really hard to be motivated to do anything after saying goodbye to Jasmine. Obviously, I've been trying to get back to normal but haven't been myself lately. Constant stomach ache, no motivation, no appetite whatsoever, no desire to do things I enjoy like tennis or piano, etc.


But today, I got some motivation (finally). I had a nightmare that I woke up and had not submitted my medical school application. And it was already September, so I had missed the deadline for UBC :S I woke up from the dream, and thinking it was true, I walked around my house for 10 minutes trying to figure out what to do. And getting really desperate, wondered if I could auction off anything to UBC like my shoes or my baking so they would take in my late application.


It's only June, guys. I still have time. Haha. Phew. :o


Auction your shoes or baking for a late application? hehe :P


Give yourself some time, things will settle at their own pace. Looks like you're on the right track though :)


I'd never realized other schools have that early application deadlines. My school (and I think the other French schools in QC), it was Jan 15 for university students, and March 1 for cegep students.

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