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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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1. Why do people talk on the quiet/silent floors of the library????? There are 10+ floors (plus countless other areas on campus), plus study/group rooms available.... why are you talking on the quiet/silent floors???!!!!:mad:

2. I love my building/apartment/area, but I'm getting so frustrated. Since a week after I moved in (so since mid-August) there's been construction on various parts of the building going on. Upgrades. Fine, I understand, but WHY IS THERE HAMMERING/DRILLING AT 8AM ON THE WEEKENDS?!:mad: It's especially bad because they're doing elevator upgrades, and my apartment is right by the elevator. They started that a week ago, and it's so loud in my apartment, I can no longer study in there from 8am-5pm during the week (and apparently on weekends too). Not. Impressed. I moved away from home so I'd have the freedom to study in mostly peace and quiet, not have to leave and study elsewhere.:mad:


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1. Why do people talk on the quiet/silent floors of the library????? There are 10+ floors (plus countless other areas on campus), plus study/group rooms available.... why are you talking on the quiet/silent floors???!!!!:mad:

2. I love my building/apartment/area, but I'm getting so frustrated. Since a week after I moved in (so since mid-August) there's been construction on various parts of the building going on. Upgrades. Fine, I understand, but WHY IS THERE HAMMERING/DRILLING AT 8AM ON THE WEEKENDS?!:mad: It's especially bad because they're doing elevator upgrades, and my apartment is right by the elevator. They started that a week ago, and it's so loud in my apartment, I can no longer study in there from 8am-5pm during the week (and apparently on weekends too). Not. Impressed. I moved away from home so I'd have the freedom to study in mostly peace and quiet, not have to leave and study elsewhere.:mad:



I understand your frustration. The only quiet time in the library at my school seems to be before 11am on week days. On weekends people seem more chatty.. which sucks because I go there to escape the shrieking children and random motors running constantly from 9am to 10pm. I recently discovered a super secret quiet place though.. at the health sci building (which is separate from campus) they have conference rooms, which when not in use, are great study areas. Explore!


On a side note, would anyone be able to tell me the answer to this:

What is the difference between what "we" see and what our retinas see?

I remember that the image is inverted and flipped around and whatnot on it's way to the occipital lobe, but not quite sure about the retina. :D

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1. Why do people talk on the quiet/silent floors of the library????? There are 10+ floors (plus countless other areas on campus), plus study/group rooms available.... why are you talking on the quiet/silent floors???!!!!:mad:



invest in earplugs, itll change your world.

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I understand your frustration. The only quiet time in the library at my school seems to be before 11am on week days. On weekends people seem more chatty.. which sucks because I go there to escape the shrieking children and random motors running constantly from 9am to 10pm. I recently discovered a super secret quiet place though.. at the health sci building (which is separate from campus) they have conference rooms, which when not in use, are great study areas. Explore!


On a side note, would anyone be able to tell me the answer to this:

What is the difference between what "we" see and what our retinas see?

I remember that the image is inverted and flipped around and whatnot on it's way to the occipital lobe, but not quite sure about the retina. :D


How technical do you want to get? Cos all I think I remember is that image goes through cornea, then lens and light forms an upside down image of the object on the retina. Then its processed to the brain which turns it right side iup

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How technical do you want to get? Cos all I think I remember is that image goes through cornea, then lens and light forms an upside down image of the object on the retina. Then its processed to the brain which turns it right side iup


Not technical at all, what you said is perfect. Thank you

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Dying to check my notes to check answers but think im gonna pass on that and not worry about it as whats done is done for now.


Don't look! Seriously, I don't get people that walk out of the exam and stick around checking all their answers in their notes/books.. or talk about all the questions. Once it's over, it's over! I'll check my notes sometimes later if it's material that's also covered on the final, or material I didn't know at all and might be useful.

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1. Why do people talk on the quiet/silent floors of the library????? There are 10+ floors (plus countless other areas on campus), plus study/group rooms available.... why are you talking on the quiet/silent floors???!!!!:mad:

2. I love my building/apartment/area, but I'm getting so frustrated. Since a week after I moved in (so since mid-August) there's been construction on various parts of the building going on. Upgrades. Fine, I understand, but WHY IS THERE HAMMERING/DRILLING AT 8AM ON THE WEEKENDS?!:mad: It's especially bad because they're doing elevator upgrades, and my apartment is right by the elevator. They started that a week ago, and it's so loud in my apartment, I can no longer study in there from 8am-5pm during the week (and apparently on weekends too). Not. Impressed. I moved away from home so I'd have the freedom to study in mostly peace and quiet, not have to leave and study elsewhere.:mad:




I usually search for other libraries at my university or even other universities. You can find amazing places to study like that.


But yeah, construction work, especially on the weekend and near midterms sucks!

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Ahhh. 1 exam done, 2 more for the week.

Can't wait till Thursday :D.


Nice, good luck!


I'm done studying for my anatomy midterm.. that's only on Thursday. I'll review quickly Wed afternoon but nothing more. Bones and muscles.. love that class, the material just feels so easy to me to understand even though there is a lot of it!


I think I might just read a novel or something tomorrow.. or maybe pick up my barely-started scarf I've been wanting to knit for months now (it's a light-ish spring scarf oops!) :o

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Thanks :D.


Haha, my Anatomy midterm is Thrusday too :P

And, we're also doing bones and muscles :eek:


What novel? I've been thinking of picking one up.


Nice, good luck!


I'm done studying for my anatomy midterm.. that's only on Thursday. I'll review quickly Wed afternoon but nothing more. Bones and muscles.. love that class, the material just feels so easy to me to understand even though there is a lot of it!


I think I might just read a novel or something tomorrow.. or maybe pick up my barely-started scarf I've been wanting to knit for months now (it's a light-ish spring scarf oops!) :o

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Thanks :D.


Haha, my Anatomy midterm is Thrusday too :P

And, we're also doing bones and muscles :eek:


What novel? I've been thinking of picking one up.


Funny coincidence ;)


Hmm I have no idea! I don't think I have any I haven't read yet that I can finish in 1 day... (and I can't stop reading until I'm done!)


Or maybe I'll go shopping.. I don't have any non-Converse shoes that aren't ballerinas and it is getting colder outside.

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1. Why do people talk on the quiet/silent floors of the library????? There are 10+ floors (plus countless other areas on campus), plus study/group rooms available.... why are you talking on the quiet/silent floors???!!!!:mad:

2. I love my building/apartment/area, but I'm getting so frustrated. Since a week after I moved in (so since mid-August) there's been construction on various parts of the building going on. Upgrades. Fine, I understand, but WHY IS THERE HAMMERING/DRILLING AT 8AM ON THE WEEKENDS?!:mad: It's especially bad because they're doing elevator upgrades, and my apartment is right by the elevator. They started that a week ago, and it's so loud in my apartment, I can no longer study in there from 8am-5pm during the week (and apparently on weekends too). Not. Impressed. I moved away from home so I'd have the freedom to study in mostly peace and quiet, not have to leave and study elsewhere.:mad:



You should come to the UTSC library. It reminds me of a South Asian Fish Market (aka extremely noisy)

I hope the construction gets done soon! At leas you'll have a nice lift by the end of it

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invest in earplugs, itll change your world.


I'd wear earplugs, but they actually give me a headache/make me nauseous (make me feel nauseated? I never know which one is right...). Noise cancelling headphones might work, but the only GOOD ones that actually work are a little too expensive!


You should come to the UTSC library. It reminds me of a South Asian Fish Market (aka extremely noisy)

I hope the construction gets done soon! At leas you'll have a nice lift by the end of it


I think I'd actually prefer the constant noise. If it's constant, then I don't really notice it, but if it's mostly quiet with only a couple conversations, that's all I can focus on.


Yeah, that'll be nice. When I get home after the Christmas break they're supposed to be done (dammit! That means studying on campus for finals! I just realized that...). So they'll be faster at least!:)


The two nosiest areas on the floor are close to the elevators and close to the garbage shute, therfore approaching the end of the hallway is prime quiet apartment living in my experience.


I don't mind the day to day noise of the elevator and garbage chute (I'm in between the two). I don't think I've ever actually heard the chute to be honest. It's that there's construction on the elevator. And it wouldn't matter where I was, because they've also started the balcony modifications on all units, so even if I was on the end, it would still be loud as hell.


can't believe how cold it has gotten and how fast it has happened!


Anyone else feeling the brrrrr or it is just my old bones crackling? :P


You Torotonians are crazy:p It was a little chilly in my apartment this morning (probably because I had the fan going all night), but outside it was fairly comfortable (just a zip up hoodie for me!). Amazing fall weather! I love it! I actually get a fall! :D




I need some advice.... What's the best way to be able to make sure you score/get a good grade in subjective courses? Due to my program, I have quite a few required ones this year and I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips that's worked for them in the past? Basically, my plan is to kick ass on the tests (which are multiple choice) because they're worth around 50% of the course grade. So if I can get 90 on the exams, even a 71 overall on the assignment portion will still give me at least an A-. But does anyone have any advice on how to be able to score better on the subjective portions?

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It feels relatively warm in Whitehorse. I think I'm actually wearing less clothing at this point than I'd be wearing in Victoria this time of year, and no soaking-wet coat to drag around all day!


Remind me of this when I'm complaining about the 4th week of -35degrees. :D


I got a job offer today- working with at-risk youth. I am totally intimidated by it. I love getting out of my comfort zone, but this is somehow different. I also have an application in for government office work/amin/research for child welfare services, which would be way less stress in some ways and pays 2x as much, and is in the health and human services branch, and I feel like a w**** fore even thinking that it might be better.

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Hehe :P


I'm waiting for the post-Halloween sales on candy :D


I'm not a big chocolate person but I have a few sweet weaknesses.


Exhibit 1- I just ate 2 handfuls of mini-marshmallows. How I can have very little sweet tooth and still be crazy about marshmallows, I don't know.

The other one for me is tapioca pudding.

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