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No Passages for Mechanics in TPR?


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I'm using TPR hyperlearning and for some reason there are no passages listed in the homework schedule for Mechanics parts I and II. Does anyone know why this might be? There's a ton of independent questions but it seems quite odd there are no passages. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?





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Because the likelihood of getting a pure mechanics passage on the physics question is quite rare.


In all my practice/2 attempts at the real thing mechanics was only ever tested as a stand alone question.... or it played a minor part in a whole passage.


I found, the way the AAMC made physics passages tricky was relating a bunch of topics that seemed incompatible... so somehow you were trying to figure out how Light, springs and buoyancy were related because in the end it all comes back to common units of force.


So I wouldn't worry if you can answer the stand alone questions for mechanics you could easily apply those skills to a passage if such an unlikely event were to come up.

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I thought of that, but I didn't want to make the assumption without confirming. Those passages sound like a pain (that combine so many different concepts) but I figure that's what the MCAT is all about


still surprised though as I thought TPR would still try to prepare you for that rare case. After all, Mechanics does account for 3/10 chapters in their book (about 85 pages for mechanics)


thanks very much



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I thought of that, but I didn't want to make the assumption without confirming. Those passages sound like a pain (that combine so many different concepts) but I figure that's what the MCAT is all about


still surprised though as I thought TPR would still try to prepare you for that rare case. After all, Mechanics does account for 3/10 chapters in their book (about 85 pages for mechanics)


thanks very much




Never seen one of those on all the practise exams from AAMC either, and I think I wrote most of those. A mechanics passage seems inconsistent with the approach they have on the passages for that part of the test.


Suppose at some point it might occur though, it is just really unlikely.

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thanks guys for clearing that up. Was a bit worried about it but at least now I know its more likely that I'll get a passage that incorporates a bunch of things from mechanics as opposed to one concept alone.




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