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MCAT prep course + work + organic chem too much?


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I'm planning on writing the MCAT this summer, and I'm currently signed up for doing the first half of a full year orgo course before the MCAT. I'm doing the organic chem half course in May, so I'll still have 2.5 months to prepare for the MCAT in August. However i'll be working 30 - 40 hours a week. I'm also doing a Kaplan prep course while I work. Am I going to burn myself out?


I was considering not doing the organic chem course, and doing a Princeton review prep course instead which starts in May. I hear they teach more material, rather than strategy over Kaplan. However, I still have to do orgo anyways, and I thought, I might as well do it before the MCAT...


Does anyone have any thoughts on this?



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Yea. It does end in May. It sounds like a plan, but I'm just wondering if going out of my way to do organic before MCAT is a good idea, or if I should just take those 3 weeks in May to only study MCAT orgo.


It also opens up another option of being able to do Princeton review course as opposed to Kaplan, which I hear is a bit more comprehensive on the material...


Any one else have thoughts?

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Switch orgo for eng stats and I was in the same situation...I couldn't do it, basically I worked till 5, tried to eat and prep before class 6:30-9:30/10:30 every mon-thursday, I didn't get burned out I just didn't do anything on the weekends, got 80 in stats & a 29Q, had to rewrite this summer.


Not to say that you can't do it, if you are dedicated enough to to sit and study on your summer weekends than it's doable.

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