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commuting from Hamilton to UWO

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I was wondering whether anybody in UWO meds has commuted from hamilton to london during pre-clerkship or during the whole program. If so, did you use your own vehicle, arrange for shared transportation, or use public transit systems? I don't have possession of a vehicle right now, so I'd have to rely on public transit or shared transportation if I choose this option. Please post if you have any ideas or knowledge about this topic. Also, if you know any UWO med students that commute from outside London (but not from Hamilton), please post about the mode of transport that they use.

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There were two commuters in my class, both used their own cars to get to class. One's attendance was less than stellar the year they were commuting, but I think that's more a reflection of how they learn.


It's not easy to do, especially if you want to be involved in extra curriculars or attend after class events like special lectures. London gets hit pretty hard during the winter and you end up missing classes because you can't get there. When those classes are small groups or other mandatory events, you may find yourself writing a stack of essays.


If you do decide to take the train to London, the station is a few blocks away from where you would pick up a quick Richmond bus to Natural Sciences (the stop for the school). Same for Greyhound.


I don't envy your decision. It seems you have something/someone very important in Hamilton. Good luck!

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I have spent the past two years (pre-clerkship) commuting from Hamilton to London. However, I have a car. I looked into the train/bus option last year and found it was just too expensive and time-consuming for me.


I'm not sure of your reasons for commuting and you may very well find it worthwhile as I did, but I just want to echo what Darla mentioned above. The weather is a big issue and I went through many stressful days wondering whether it was going to prevent me from getting to class, or if I was going to make it there safely. The other major issue is just being able to participate in class activities, talks, study groups, social events, etc. That was a major sacrifice I made in choosing to commute. Keep in mind that all of your classmates will develop a tight bond very quickly, and commuting may prevent you from being a part of that. In retrospect, I think that was an important part of the med school experience that I missed out on, and I don't doubt it will continue to impact on my experience during clerkship as well. If I had to make the decision again, I'm not sure I would have chosen to commute. On the other hand, I may have lost out on many other important aspects of my life if I had moved to London. I guess it's a matter of priorities.


I will not be commuting next year for clerkship, however, I did hear of a clerk who commuted from Toronto for clerkship (insane!). Given the demands of clerkship, I just don't think it is a feasible option.


Anyway, just thought you'd like to hear from someone who's actually done it. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.


Best of luck with your decision.



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