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What do you eat during med?

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I usually end up wasting time on the Internet and then by the time I get my motivation to study, I realize I have to then spend another hour cooking etc. So usually by that point I end up just making a sandwich, pasta, noodles or something welfare so I can start studying.

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Wow...but doesn't that food get boring after a while?


Seriously, cooking isn't that bad at all. Cooking NICE food on the other hand..thats a different story. But cooking by itself can be picked up in like a couple of days (true story).


One thing I can't understand is how people CANT pick up cooking. I mean, you read the recipe.. put the stuff in.. and bake it/fry it/what ever i calls for. Its so simple. I would hope a med student could at least handle cooking :P

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I'm surprised I'm still alive too. Well, barely alive.


Actually, I usually partake in the afternoon meal nowadays. But I throw myself at the mercy of the hospital cafeteria. Word of warning to Manitobans- never have a chicken caesar wrap from the 24/7 food court at Winnipeg HSC. It's dry and you'll hate it. However, the lasagne is better than your grandmother's. Oh yes.

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I rely on people's parents and dates to feed me. Otherwise, I do soup and sandwiches, or sometimes nothing if I get busy doing something else. I don't get hungry, so it's not an issue too often.


That sounds sexy. So the less you eat, the more toned your tummy is, the more dates you get Kathryn (and you can feed yourself again)?

It's like a cybernetic system (ie oven)?

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Oh, come on now. I buy groceries and make an effort for the weeks my daughter is with me, but once she's gone back to her dad's the cupboards are BARE, man. That's when I hit the dating scene and start hanging around people's families. That's the way to do it.

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