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Anybody else find the Kaplan prep book overly detailed?


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I've already written the MCAT last year using a Princeton Review book as prep and scored 11PS and 12BS. This time I'm using a Kaplan book in the hopes of not being bored to death while reading it (the PR's style of writing is like anesthetics to me). But the Kaplan book is literally twice the number of pages and the content is SO much more than I remember in the PR. Ex: Kaplan explains spectroscopy, but I don't remember seeing spectroscopy for ochem explained in PR, nor did I remember seeing it in the real test. Has anybody else found this or did I just manage to forget too much since last year? My raw score on the Kaplan end-of-subject questions is 60-70% for ochem and inorganic chem, which is a bit alarming.


I should add that the bio. chapters included a lot of stuff that I just learned last semester in 3rd year physio. Hmmm...

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I am running through the Physics, and I find it's not very detailed in that it really only provides me with a small definition and example of the concept. Again, I haven't taken Physics in forever, so perhaps just the sheer number of concepts/topics is more then necessary, but for the explanations they seem short.

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I think it follows EXACTLY what AAMC says might be on the test. Trouble is that AAMC throws pretty much the entire kitchen sink into what might be on there, although it really rare for some of it to appear.


I think I had a spectroscopy question by the way, it was just a one mark question and was really easy.

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LOL. I'm plowing through physics right now too! Its not well explained at all, they use too brief an explanation for most of the concepts. But it makes for good review if you already know it and just need a reminder.


that's it. i give up on kaplan. i just spent 45 minutes trying to figure out what i did wrong for this one question example that gave. In the end I found out that it was actually KAPLAN that did the question wrong. They subbed in the wrong number.


Im just gonna go pull out my physics binder and study from there.

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that's it. i give up on kaplan. i just spent 45 minutes trying to figure out what i did wrong for this one question example that gave. In the end I found out that it was actually KAPLAN that did the question wrong. They subbed in the wrong number.


Im just gonna go pull out my physics binder and study from there.


Undergrad physics books typically give you way more info than you need for the MCAT :) Personally, I think that would be a waste of your time ... A better idea might be to buy a Princeton Review book and study from there. They give you just the right amt of info. Physics from EK is good if all you need is a review, but if you haven't done it in ages, the explanations are a little scarce.


Good luck!


ps: Of course, everyone studies differently ... I'm just giving you my perspective of things :)

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Undergrad physics books typically give you way more info than you need for the MCAT :) Personally, I think that would be a waste of your time ... A better idea might be to buy a Princeton Review book and study from there. They give you just the right amt of info. Physics from EK is good if all you need is a review, but if you haven't done it in ages, the explanations are a little scarce.


Good luck!


ps: Of course, everyone studies differently ... I'm just giving you my perspective of things :)


i do have the EK physics book.. i took a peak at that and it seemed way too long and detailed.. should i take a whack at it? I took both grade 11, 12 and university physics

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i do have the EK physics book.. i took a peak at that and it seemed way too long and detailed.. should i take a whack at it? I took both grade 11, 12 and university physics


That totally depends on how comfortable you are with Physics! :) My guess is that you'll be more than fine having done so much physics :) But generally speaking, the physics you study in university has too much info for the MCAT. (So I probably wouldn't study from there, unless of course you have the time!)


Good luck :)

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I think I agree with ~me~. I'm actually a physics TA for 1st year phys at UofT. Yet I scored 11PS and 12BS last time I wrote the MCAT. I attribute this mostly to my general failure in chem. My strategy was pretty much ace the actual physics and bio., and get owned on the general chem and ochem. I just suck at chem. :(


40 more pages of physics to read in this damn book, then I'm done studying concepts! BTW when are you guys writing? I'm writing on the 28th this week.

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I think I agree with ~me~. I'm actually a physics TA for 1st year phys at UofT. Yet I scored 11PS and 12BS last time I wrote the MCAT. I attribute this mostly to my general failure in chem. My strategy was pretty much ace the actual physics and bio., and get owned on the general chem and ochem. I just suck at chem. :(


40 more pages of physics to read in this damn book, then I'm done studying concepts! BTW when are you guys writing? I'm writing on the 28th this week.


i'm writing on july 17th.


damn yours is fast approaching.


goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood luck

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I agree, the Kaplan book has a lot of background information which I'm weary about it being crucial to remember. Has anyone tried the exam crackers?


Is anyone taking the prep course? I'm thinking about it, but some people I know say that it's not really that much a help...

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I agree, the Kaplan book has a lot of background information which I'm weary about it being crucial to remember. Has anyone tried the exam crackers?


Is anyone taking the prep course? I'm thinking about it, but some people I know say that it's not really that much a help...


take the prep course if you think you don't have the DISCIPLINE to sit yourself down seriously and focus and study on your own like a mature human being.


Or if you just have a lot of money to throw around. If that's the case, then send some my way or to some kids in the 3rd world countries and do some good in life.

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I've already written the MCAT last year using a Princeton Review book as prep and scored 11PS and 12BS. This time I'm using a Kaplan book in the hopes of not being bored to death while reading it (the PR's style of writing is like anesthetics to me). But the Kaplan book is literally twice the number of pages and the content is SO much more than I remember in the PR. Ex: Kaplan explains spectroscopy, but I don't remember seeing spectroscopy for ochem explained in PR, nor did I remember seeing it in the real test. Has anybody else found this or did I just manage to forget too much since last year? My raw score on the Kaplan end-of-subject questions is 60-70% for ochem and inorganic chem, which is a bit alarming.


I should add that the bio. chapters included a lot of stuff that I just learned last semester in 3rd year physio. Hmmm...


I don't believe the Kaplan book is overloaded with info. If anything, it's lacking details. It is only a couple hundred pages with large font with lots of illustration. And yes, you DO need to know spectroscopy for the MCAT, two of these questions came up on my exam. Also, the Kaplan practice exams are harder than the actual thing, but it never hurts to practice harder questions does it? :)

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Well I rewrote today, and I think Kaplan UNDER prepared me :(. Or rather improperly prepared me. The VR is too easy on Kaplan. The science tests in a different way from MCAT. Yes there were some spectroscopy but Kaplan took me a whole random direction with that which wasn't necessary.

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Well I rewrote today, and I think Kaplan UNDER prepared me :(. Or rather improperly prepared me. The VR is too easy on Kaplan. The science tests in a different way from MCAT. Yes there were some spectroscopy but Kaplan took me a whole random direction with that which wasn't necessary.


By Kaplan you mean the Kaplan premier program? And how did you study the VR this time? Using the same book?

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By Kaplan you mean the Kaplan premier program? And how did you study the VR this time? Using the same book?


I used the MCAT Comprehensive Review book by Kaplan, Inc. It just gives practice passages of VR, which is what I used. I was scoring 12s and 13s on Kaplan. Switched to practice tests from AAMC and scores dropped to 10-11. There is a BIG difference in terms of raw score between 11 and 12, let alone 10 and 13.

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I used the MCAT Comprehensive Review book by Kaplan, Inc. It just gives practice passages of VR, which is what I used. I was scoring 12s and 13s on Kaplan. Switched to practice tests from AAMC and scores dropped to 10-11. There is a BIG difference in terms of raw score between 11 and 12, let alone 10 and 13.


You can try examcrakers for VR practice, it's the best on the market in many people's opinion. Oh well, let's hope that you don't have to retake this dreaded exam.

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You can try examcrakers for VR practice, it's the best on the market in many people's opinion. Oh well, let's hope that you don't have to retake this dreaded exam.


Examkrackers is by far the best VR book...but I still had to write it twice

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I used Kaplan premier.

I did well on the sciences and writing, but Kaplan only served as a review/cue for me to recall what I've learned before. So I'm not going to give credit to Kaplan.

Kaplan VR wasn't good enough, but I took a lot of practice from other programs too and didn't seem to help with my VR. So I'm not going to blame Kaplan for that.

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I had a really poor experience with Kaplan. I did the classes and our teacher was absolutely terrible (in our orgo class she told us boat configuration was more stable then chair)! After doing the Kaplan program I actually did worse on the actual MCAT in PS then I did on the precourse diagnostic :mad: But they did give me the $ back.

As for the books, they were OK. I found them too detailed in some areas, but not so great in others. I bought the EK series & I find it so much better. Maybe its a question of finding something that works for you, and comitting to a regular study routine. Good Luck!

-PS if you want any Kraplan stuff I can sell you my MCAT in a box for a good price:p

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