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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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I am referring to helping others.

Otherwise, I too am past it.

I do it over and over.

Last one took 2.5 hours plus

and so much focus and energy.

I am completely exhausted right now.


You may get some requests too! :P
Oh. lol. I get it now.


And I have been getting requests.

Like I've said, happy to help.

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Just ignore jerks and walk away.


I'm going for the high road.

The rest is up to him.


Should he breach civil decorum again

I've dealt with jerks before and

have successfully gotten rid of them

but prefer he leave me alone

in his own very best interests.


I'll try to listen to you.


Haters have been kept under control

because the mods do an excellent job.

but a new one insists upon appearing,

he knows not what he starts,


Tis the high road for now

we have ridden this road before


Focus needs to be with applicants

who are seeking help in droves

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