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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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Well, what about twins or triplets? :)


I suspect that f_d has clones


I've never met any alleged clones. :D


Moral courage is required in life.


Courage, integrity, kindness - essential lifelong characteristics.

Good deeds/advancing yourself are assured.


Hope/inspiration motivate us toward accomplishment.

Betterment of society is worthy goal.


Humility is found especially in heroes.


Shortcuts often delay progress, be careful.


Don't try to fool the authorities

and gain an unfair advantage unless

you realize it will likely backfire.

The honest route is always best.


Med school for me has been

the beginning of my new life.


I never doubted my career path

but uncertainty loomed until actual acceptance.

Premeds learn to live with uncertainty.

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I never doubted my career path

but uncertainty loomed until actual acceptance.

Premeds learn to live with uncertainty.


If one thinks applications are everything,

They haven't really lived life yet.

Because in life, uncertainty is ubiquitous.


Rejection is nothing, reaction is everything.

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Just keep trying to think positively.

- Cerena


We control our lives, others don't

If one thinks applications are everything,

They haven't really lived life yet.

Because in life, uncertainty is ubiquitous.


Rejection is nothing, reaction is everything.


Take control. Do what is necessary.

This is a marathon - no rush,

each year, you become even better.

Just be motivated and keep trying!

Nothing worthwhile will ever be easy.


Freedom isn't free, it is earned.

Same with acceptance, just keep trying.


Search for answers. You'll find them.


Most people live paycheque to paycheque.

This means everybody lives with uncertainty.


It's important to try your best.

Winning is less important than trying.

Losing is necessary to achieve success.

We learn from losing, not winning.

Learning humility early on is helpful.

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Springboard for a future medical career. :)


Express your humanity by helping others!:P


Start from zero. Build upon this.


Defeat - essential path towards eventual success.


Inspiration, courage, positive action conquer all!


^ Double leg amputee runs competitively - internationally.

He has incredible abilities, not disabilities.


So important to push your boundaries.

Our true capacities are beyond limit.

All we need - believe in yourself!


Grow by attacking a new challenge.


Acquire knowledge/skills. Then improve society.


Push yourself outside your comfort zone.

Ask questions, learn, then apply solutions.


Life is about conquering our fears.

Then, overcoming obstacles, dealing with challenges.


Expand your horizons, capabilities and self-confidence.


Always be hopeful to cope/thrive.

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Try living up to your potential.

It won't be easy - nothing is.


Humility, open mindedness, willingness to learn,

adaptability - excellent first steps developing knowledge.

Applying knowledge will develop necessary skills.


Knowledge and skills become stale quickly

in medicine. Therefore, lifelong learning – essential!

Scientific/technological frontiers are constantly expanding.


How we handle upsets defines us.


Keep motivated when you feel down.

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Humility, open mindedness, willingness to learn,

adaptability - excellent first steps developing knowledge.

Applying knowledge will develop necessary skills.


Knowledge and skills become stale quickly

in medicine. Therefore, lifelong learning – essential!

Scientific/technological frontiers are constantly expanding.


f_d stop violating the thread's rules.

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Each line is only six words.

There are many such examples here.

Ask the creator of this thread;)

and she will explain to you!


Every line here is six words :D


Why not return to Sherwood Forest? :)


Did you return to Sherwood Forest?:confused:


Robin Hood and his merry men!


Come out, come out and play.


If in doubt, don't do it.


He is creative - worth a shot.


Tesla willing to help with sketches!

Troublemakers not welcome on this forum.


Those not nice should remain silent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is always you and me:p

Really, we are far from quiet:D

And yet positive, decent and helpful:)

Why do others insist upon meanness?:eek:

Perhaps a pain up their @$$

Time for serious change of attitude.


Quiet is better than being obnoxious.


Stupidity/ignorance rise to the surface.

Some people just cannot stop themselves.


Jealousy, wickedness, ego, weakness = sure failure.

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