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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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I see what you did there...


Yes. Improvizaton ;) cannot be called cheating. :P


It's called 'think outside the box'. :D


USA: Many homes financially under water.

Meaning - worth less than the mortgage.

So many owners just walk away.


City of 1M being shelled indisciminately.

There is no end in sight.

And the world watches, does nothing.

State sovereignty. This is international law.


The armed forces are killing civilians.


Greece: Angry protests over increased austerity.


Mexico: Drug haul value $4 billion.


UK: Young couple wins Pds45M lottery.


Hopefully, McGill will improve their act.


Greece: EU demands more for bailout.

EU demand guarantee for after election.


Persistence pays dividends. Keep trying hard.


I trust you are sleeping Tesla. ;)


Sharing your work product is unnecessary risk,

possibly lead to academic misconduct charges.

Best to consider potential ripple effects

that could affect your best interests.

You take responsibility for your future.

Helpfulness can only go so far.


Marketing is important in almost everything.


Greek cabinet approves new austerity bill.

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Also unable to access private messages


Use your Flashlight to find it.


It seems to keep going down. :confused:


Aren't we glad our "home" returned!


You may disappear, but cannot hide!


Big sister is watching little sister.


PM awaits you at other site. :P


Unfortunately, my PM here continues inoperative. :(


What's up for this Sunday morning?


What's up with this Sunday night?


Alcohol makes liver disease on rise.


Excessive drinking is a health issue.


India almost free of polio now.

Despite immunisation, on rise in Pakistan.

Healthcare so different in third world.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been here years, first description ever.

All excessively curious proved t/b troublemakers.

I've been stalked, take necessary precautionsl.

My goal simply to pay forward,

help others. No more, no less.

I mind my business, mind yours.

Not curious in slightest about you.

Best to be helpful to members.

Try it. You may like it.

Desperation is obviously your vivid imagination.

Get a grip - healthy, helpful pursuits.

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The world watches and does nothing

as the massacre of civilians continues.

No nation has self-interest to help.

As the Security Council is impotent,

international law is against any intervention.


USA playing with possibly supplying arms.

Empty words don't stop the killings.


Humanitarian concerns are secondary to politics.


Two western journalists have been killed.

This will add to the pressure.


Meanwhile, Red Cross pleas are ignored.


Afghans furious over the recent burnings.

Deaths have occurred during the protests.

Koran burning protests are enitrely valid.


No Iranian agreement over nuclear inspection.


Interesting: Apple iPad trademark infringement case.


Younger women = higher mortality = heart attacks.

Don't have same symptoms as men.


Just reported on CBC TV News:


Montreal cardiologists investigated for accepting cash.

This is hidden fact of life.

Wealthy patients are moved up list,

thereby given privileged access: favours exchanged.

Clear conflict of interest, greed motivation.

Shame on eminent doctors stooping thusly.

These cases represent tip of iceberg.

Losing medical license for a year

will send message to greedy physicians

who regularly disadvantage their poor patients,

not having clue what taking place

behind their back, against their interests.


Syria: War Crimes Suspects List Made.

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