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How to approach the last month before your MCAT??


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I have just about a month left until my MCAT, and was wondering how others would approach this last month.


I did not register for a course and have been studying for the last month or two, by myself. I am a graduate student so it is tough dealing with the pressures of grad school all the while studying for the MCAT. I have gone through all the EK books and have recently started to do practice tests the last two weeks.


Currently my plan is to do full tests on the weekends and review stuff during the weekdays. I will probably take some time off for 2 weeks before my test to concentrate fully on it.


After doing two practice tests I can see my main area's of weakness are probably going to be verbal and the written section so I am going to also focus more on that.


Just wondering what other people did one month before the test...

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I think ur plan is good, u need to continue reviewing and also do practice tests to get the timing right. I did pretty much what you are saying for the last month and did really well on the real thing. One thing, i didnt think ek was sufficient in terms of content. They were too brief on some stuff. I would try to supplement with kaplan etc (just buy some used copies off someone, craigslist).

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Once you know the material just do the official AAMC practice tests. I bought and did 2 of them, and the free 3R test. Otherwise my only prep was a PR book and a Kaplan book.


Actually, my study plan sucked. I retook the MCAT in May because my score from 2 months ago sucked donkey-behind. But I still followed the same strategy of slacking off until 2 weeks before the test, at which point I hit the review books hard for 1.5 weeks and do practice tests and practice VR sections for the remaining time.

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