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MCAT torture!


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I have not taken any pre-med courses apart from Biology, my parents are pushing for me to take the MCAT by studying myself with the help of KAPLAN prep books, but I dont think that is going to work. Are there any prep courses worth taking that will prepare me for the MCAT or will I have to go back to undergrad and take the sciences?! What do you guys think? ALSO, does anyone know of a nice way to tell your parents to get off of your case and let you get into Medical School your own way when you are ready!

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It seems like your parents want you to be a doctor more than you yourself wanting to be a doctor. It's silly to choose a career because your parents are 'forcing' you to. You'll just have to tell them straight up front, whether they like it or not, especially since you're an adult now and you have the right to make your own decisions about your future.


As for studying with prep-books and/or taking undergrad science courses, I really think having a background in first-year Biology, Physics and Chemistry can help a great deal. And then you wouldn't need to spend huge amounts of $$$ on those prep courses. You'd simply need to invest in a few books, practice exams and you should be fine.


But if you intend of taking a prep course, I can't really comment on how much they'd help for someone with little science background. Especially with the speed/pace of those courses, it'd be almost impossible to take in everything and understand it in such a short period of time. I took a prep course with 3 years of solid science background (major in microbiology) and found the course mostly a 'waste of time', or maybe it's because I learn better on my own anyways. However, the materials are quite useful (questions bank, loads of passages, online practice tests, access to AAMC tests).

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Thanks you guys. Btw I'm a girl so you can say 'she' :P


Alastriss, I like your advice. I think I will just need to talk to them. But I am the only child, and it's so hard for me to tell my parents to back off. Especially when my dad offers me help with Physics, but I just don't want to do the MCAT at this point in my life! I had already decided to take a year off and build my personality more so that I can impress the admissions committee in my interview aswell, but clearly that is not working out!


As far as Medicine goes, I think that it is what I want for myself, but I do need my space, and I will apply when I feel that I am ready! I can breathe in peace if they just give me a break. I have until August to cancel my exam. If they remain persistent, I will just end up taking it but voiding it at the end with the excuse that it was just too hard! Perhaps, that will keep them happy!


Furthermore, regarding the Kaplan Prep course, some of my freinds are taking it and they tell me that it doesn't really help apart from keeping you on track of revision and that you still have to do self-studying. But i have no idea to what extent this is correct.

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As far as Medicine goes, I think that it is what I want for myself, but I do need my space, and I will apply when I feel that I am ready! I can breathe in peace if they just give me a break. I have until August to cancel my exam. If they remain persistent, I will just end up taking it but voiding it at the end with the excuse that it was just too hard! Perhaps, that will keep them happy!



Why not just write the MCAT for the heck of it? Then you'll get that experience of writing the MCAT, have an idea where you 'stand', and know what you'll need to work on or focus on in the future. I don't think your MCAT gets marked if you void it, so that'll be a total waste of 5 hours and $225USD. :)

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Why not just write the MCAT for the heck of it? Then you'll get that experience of writing the MCAT, have an idea where you 'stand', and know what you'll need to work on or focus on in the future. I don't think your MCAT gets marked if you void it, so that'll be a total waste of 5 hours and $225USD. :)


Promise yourself you will only write that thing once and stick to it. No point dragging out the MCAT. Practice tests can tell you where you stand. Take it seriously one summer and just do it. Tell your parents you only want to write it once so your going to write it when you are good and ready.

If you promise yourself you will only write it once it will motivate you to get a good score;)

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Why not just write the MCAT for the heck of it? Then you'll get that experience of writing the MCAT, have an idea where you 'stand', and know what you'll need to work on or focus on in the future. I don't think your MCAT gets marked if you void it, so that'll be a total waste of 5 hours and $225USD. :)


I like this. I think I will just do it! Thanks:o

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Promise yourself you will only write that thing once and stick to it. No point dragging out the MCAT. Practice tests can tell you where you stand. Take it seriously one summer and just do it. Tell your parents you only want to write it once so your going to write it when you are good and ready.

If you promise yourself you will only write it once it will motivate you to get a good score;)


What is the disadvantage in writing it twice? There is no way I can get out of it now. My parents are REALLLLYYYYY serious about me taking it. If I end up doing badly then next summer will be the summer I end up studying my butt off for it!

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Furthermore, regarding the Kaplan Prep course, some of my freinds are taking it and they tell me that it doesn't really help apart from keeping you on track of revision and that you still have to do self-studying. But i have no idea to what extent this is correct.


I definitely agree with this. I took the princeton review course, and if I didn't have a solid background in chem/bio/physics I think the speed of the class would have been overwhelming. The class was helpful to keep on track/pace studying, make sure cover everything. If it wasn't for the awesome help it gave me in VR and the essay section, the course would have been a waste of time for me. Overall, I did well on the mcat b/c of undergrad classes in subject area and then studying on my own time.

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What is the disadvantage in writing it twice? There is no way I can get out of it now. My parents are REALLLLYYYYY serious about me taking it. If I end up doing badly then next summer will be the summer I end up studying my butt off for it!


If you do it once you will free up so much time and mental space to take on other things the next year; things that will be much more interesting to an admissions committee than your second MCAT score. Unless you are in Ontario...

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If you do it once you will free up so much time and mental space to take on other things the next year; things that will be much more interesting to an admissions committee than your second MCAT score. Unless you are in Ontario...


You know if there was ANY WAY I could get out of writing it, I would. I am in Ontario so I hope they don't mind a second score which is much much better than the first!

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I haven't even told my family about my applications to medical school. I used to be an Astrophysic's major (like 8 yrs ago) and switched to Business Admin a couple years ago (I'm a mature student now, with a husband and two tots)--I know their opinions would be a hindrance (Why haven't you gotten accepted yet? You're too old to be doing that at the age of 25! What about the kids? Etc.). Sometimes, the best thing to do is wait and tell people when it's "too late"--kinda like trying to have a baby.


I bought the $125 Kaplen Premier set and only scored a 19N--the book was a fine "outline" of what to study but you need the book about 6mths in advance. If I get waitlisted or rejected I will redo the MCAT (I was told by a few "connected" people that because I'm older--not a whole lot, but still older--and not a science major that I should apply even if I bombed the exam). You'll be surprised by the MCAT...while I didn't score as well as I had hoped, it wasn't a terrible exam--first year science courses would be a great help.


I'm anxiously waiting for MUN and OMSAS to open up their application systems! Good luck.

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Self study is definately possible.


I know lots of people who have taken no UG bio or orgo and scored in the 36+ area.


When are people going to realize the MCAT isin't a science test?


Well, no it isn't a science test but they do require you to know equations and when/how to use them. Most questions give extraneous material that you need to weed out. It's a "mental" exam for sure...but without any science background it can be daunting and more difficult. I wish I had a biochem degree, but I don't and it makes the study a bit more difficult!

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Well, no it isn't a science test but they do require you to know equations and when/how to use them. Most questions give extraneous material that you need to weed out. It's a "mental" exam for sure...but without any science background it can be daunting and more difficult. I wish I had a biochem degree, but I don't and it makes the study a bit more difficult!


I should probably re-word what I meant, 2/4 sections on the mcat are definately based on these content areas... http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/preparing/pstopics.pdf http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/preparing/bstopics.pdf but really the exam tests your ability to read and think critically, not memorize science content.


I came from an eng background so very little biosci knowledge, and I didn't study perhaps as much as I should have proportionally to all the other biosci majors writing the tests.


I would say the way i was able to move into the 33+ area on practice tests was not because I doubled the time I spend studing science content, it was because I realized a) confidence is important, you can't get feaked out if you see something you don't immedidaly realize and B) if you look hard enough the answer is probably hidden somewhere in the passage. Basically, I worked harder on my reading skills than my science content skills.

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I should probably re-word what I meant, 2/4 sections on the mcat are definately based on these content areas... http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/preparing/pstopics.pdf http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/preparing/bstopics.pdf but really the exam tests your ability to read and think critically, not memorize science content.


I came from an eng background so very little biosci knowledge, and I didn't study perhaps as much as I should have proportionally to all the other biosci majors writing the tests.


I would say the way i was able to move into the 33+ area on practice tests was not because I doubled the time I spend studing science content, it was because I realized a) confidence is important, you can't get feaked out if you see something you don't immedidaly realize and B) if you look hard enough the answer is probably hidden somewhere in the passage. Basically, I worked harder on my reading skills than my science content skills.



I think a major component is time-management. If I require to redo the test (which is highly likely, it's my weakest application component) I will be timing my practice exams. I will also choose a later date to write the test--I had chosen a week or so after my classes had ended...not nearly enough time to study. I was amazed though, that sitting through the exam didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would (and there were only 3 of us!).


Have you already been accepted? When will you be applying, if not?

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I think a major component is time-management. If I require to redo the test (which is highly likely, it's my weakest application component) I will be timing my practice exams. I will also choose a later date to write the test--I had chosen a week or so after my classes had ended...not nearly enough time to study. I was amazed though, that sitting through the exam didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would (and there were only 3 of us!).


Have you already been accepted? When will you be applying, if not?


yeah that's actually a really good point, I did all my practice tests fully timed, didn't pause or go over the 10min break time, which is crucial.


I'm applying in ontario this cycle.


edit: just from reading you're prev post, I wouldn't waste my time and money with OMSAS, the 19 will automatically get you tossed from every school ontario except NOSM and Ottawa, and you will get tossed from NOSM for being OOP, I would just say apply to Ottawa if you have a wicked GPA (+3.95)

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yeah that's actually a really good point, I did all my practice tests fully timed, didn't pause or go over the 10min break time, which is crucial.


I'm applying in ontario this cycle.


edit: just from reading you're prev post, I wouldn't waste my time and money with OMSAS, the 19 will automatically get you tossed from every school ontario except NOSM and Ottawa, and you will get tossed from NOSM for being OOP, I would just say apply to Ottawa if you have a wicked GPA (+3.95)


My first choice will be MUN anyway--I'm in rural NL (gives me an advantage for MUN applications). My GPA is good enough for the Ontario schools (except Western--they only want completely full-time students, and I had a baby during my last year, cutting me down to part time).


I'll be applying anyway--I don't actually expect to get accepted the first time around, but I'm not prepared to take another 2 days worth of travel to write another MCAT before applications end (I'm taking summer courses that would limit my study time).

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