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Elective booking and other students

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I'm wondering if it would ever come to pass that a physician you contact to do an elective with would have one or two other students there with you at the same time, also doing electives? Is it ever appropriate, when setting up the elective, to ask that you be slotted in when there are no other students around? How common is this? Does it depend on the specialty?



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It does happen that you get booked in with another elective student. I had one of my electives end up this way. Also, most likely there is going to be another student around from that university.


I personally liked working with the other students, generally it worked out well. I guess for some of the cut throat specialties it could get a little messy. When I was on plastics as a clerk we had an elective student in, who basically tried to pimp you at every opportunity.


I doubt you will have very much control over whether they put another elective student in with you or not. I found that generally the staff had absolutely no input into the scheduling of your elective (Docs on the whole defer all scheduling, planning etc. to the office staff).


I would think that if you are planning to do an elective in medicine or surgery, at an academic centre, you most likely will be on the team with at least another medical student. Some of the sub specialties, such as ENT, Urology, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Endocrine, etc. are less likely to have another student on the team just because they aren't core rotations.


My suggestion would be to still book electives at the centres you are interested in, but try to make an effort to be in clinic with the doc you are working for, for at least part of the elective. There is more face time, and one on one interaction in this setting, vs. working with the inpatients or being in the OR.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm doing my pre-clerkship elective in gen surg at the moment, but there was a clerkship elective student in the OR as well on Tuesday. He didn't get to do anything more than me, unfortunately (for him), and task-wise it got about as interesting as applying some suction and cutting suture threads.

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