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July 17 MCAT aftermath


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So guys,

I wrote the MCAT today. An other co-writers? Any after thought?

I thought the PS was quite doable. VR was much more interesting than I had expected it to be, which was a pleasant surprise and kept me on task at answering the questions.BUTTT Bio section completely OWNED me..spp the orgo passages!!!!!! There were orgo passages instead of the 2 that I was expecting:rolleyes:

and I mostly guesed on 2 of the 3 passages.

writing sample was plain BS as usual.

I would love to hear to hear what other people thought abt that test!!

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I agree with the orgo! I thought there was too much focus on ochem! I agree with you on Verbal; the passages were really cool, but I didn't really have enough time to read the 6th and 7th passages :P pressed for time as usual. Bio was rougher than I expected; lets hope the curve helps us? Haa....

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What did the writing sample ask? What were the one sentence you had to write on?


So guys,

I wrote the MCAT today. An other co-writers? Any after thought?

I thought the PS was quite doable. VR was much more interesting than I had expected it to be, which was a pleasant surprise and kept me on task at answering the questions.BUTTT Bio section completely OWNED me..spp the orgo passages!!!!!! There were orgo passages instead of the 2 that I was expecting:rolleyes:

and I mostly guesed on 2 of the 3 passages.

writing sample was plain BS as usual.

I would love to hear to hear what other people thought abt that test!!

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I wrote today too. I found PS doable but there were a few tricky questions. VR was long and a few questions got me. Most of the passages were interesting so that made it a lot easier. For WS I liked the first prompt but the second was kinda weird so I just wrote whatever came to my head. BS was more like a second verbal section. The orgo questions were really weird and I had no idea what to do for most of them.

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O yes nvincible ...focus more on Orgo..that's my regret now.


the two prompts we got were:


1. Technological advances help some people more than others (or smth along those lines)

2. Highly selective Universities are moe beneicial to society than less selective universities


PS - Im really hoping everyone found orgo hard and the curve will help matters because it will suck lke hell to write this sh** again because of bio of all sections.:(

Even thouigh I thinnk that biochem majors would have had an edge as far as orgo is concerned.

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O yes nvincible ...focus more on Orgo..that's my regret now.


the two prompts we got were:


1. Technological advances help some people more than others (or smth along those lines)

2. Highly selective Universities are moe beneicial to society than less selective universities


PS - Im really hoping everyone found orgo hard and the curve will help matters because it will suck lke hell to write this sh** again because of bio of all sections.:(

Even thouigh I thinnk that biochem majors would have had an edge as far as orgo is concerned.


Any advice you guys can offer for people preparing now? What to focus on? Etc? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

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Hey guys how would you compare the test to the practice computer based AAMC tests? I know the tests are kinda outdated (from around 2002-2003) and some of the questions/passages seem to straightforward, especially for the physical sciences. Do the practice tests stack up well with the real test?



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O yes nvincible ...focus more on Orgo..that's my regret now.


the two prompts we got were:


1. Technological advances help some people more than others (or smth along those lines)

2. Highly selective Universities are moe beneicial to society than less selective universities


PS - Im really hoping everyone found orgo hard and the curve will help matters because it will suck lke hell to write this sh** again because of bio of all sections.:(

Even thouigh I thinnk that biochem majors would have had an edge as far as orgo is concerned.


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Yup I saw those topics up on the AAMC page that lists the WS topics..so do they update these after each test? Or are topics just randomly selected from this compilation of topics (too good to be true i'm guessing)


My topics were exact copies from this list. I believe they may make some new topics...but they randomly choose from the base.

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were you able to find most of the answers in the organic passages?

is the real exam much more difficult than the practice tests on the aamc?


I took all the AAMC practice tests and I don't think the July 17 was significantly harder than any of them. The Biology was probably the biggest surprise here. Like others have said, it was pretty Orgo heavy and some of the Bio knowledge was pretty abstract. Who knows, though, maybe I did worse than I think. This month long wait for scores is excruciating!


In most practice tests there was usually one philosophy-based passage in VR that was so boring and abstract that It butchered my score, but there was no such passage on the Real Thing; all the VR were pretty readable and doable. Then again, i've always been a voracious reader and I don't have much trouble with VR (at least on AAMC practice tests).


On a completely unrelated note, but I figure i'm in the right place to ask this, if I was given the number of phosphate residues in a sample of DNA, how could I use that to determine the number of pyrimidines?


I think the reason so many people think the real test is much harder is because they're at the test center and they're taking the MCAT, and it counts. That's a pretty scary feeling you get on the first few questions of physical sciences. But eventually you relax and realize that you've been swimming in all of this stuff for months, the AAMC isn't trying to trick you (that much), and if you've studied well you'll get a chance to prove your knowledge.

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Each nucleotide is connected to each other by a phosphate residue.

So Number of phosphate residues = Number of nucleotides

And half the nucleotides in DNA are purines and other half are pyrimmidines

# of pyrimmidines = 0.5 * Phosphate Residues

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did anyone get frustrated with EK/TP practice tests? I wonder if it's crazy for me to ignore them. I seem to lose my confidence with the non-aamc practice



yeah, im not a fan of the TPR prac tests either... im doing a lot better on the AAMC ones as well! hopefully the real one is more like the AAMC ones, but it almost seems like the AAMC tests are significantly easier.

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yeah, im not a fan of the TPR prac tests either... im doing a lot better on the AAMC ones as well! hopefully the real one is more like the AAMC ones, but it almost seems like the AAMC tests are significantly easier.


wat about TPR verbal workbook?


has anyone tried kaplan, are they indicative?

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i suggest doing all the practice you can get your hands on. the AAMC tests were not representative for the physics at all from my experience, and were way too easy. i was getting 13-14's in physics with 10+ minutes remaining at times. on the real thing i only got a 10 and really struggled both for time and answering the questions. i think TPR is harder in the physics.


TPR VR is also harder and different. there questions are usually longer and the articles more abstract, with convoluted language and such.

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So, I should focus on the PR practice tests for physics?

I am really worried, I write in a month...getting 7's on physics...have never taken it before....do you think that I have enough time to bring it up to atleast a 9...my other scores are okay.... a couple of months ago, I was at a sad 4???..

Any suggestions on how I should focus my studying.....specifics I should study....no lack of books PR, Nova and EK...and I have all day/night since I am not working at the moment...

Your post frightened me...as you went down on the actual exam...gee, I could end up with a 2 then..

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