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Entering IB credit into OMSAS?

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I've got some IB credit granted to me by UBC (30 transfer credits, 18 of which I used), but I don't see a place to put list them on the school submission part of the OMSAS? They do show up on my UBC transcript (with a Pass grade, not a mark), and I am planning to send my IB transcripts as well, but I was wondering where I should list them on the OMSAS.


I normally wouldn't be too concerned, except that I am planning to use my awarded IB credit in place of some prerequisites. Anyone know where we should put these?

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I am also wondering how to do this - let us know if you figure something out! The best I have been able to think of is to add an extra year to my BSc (this being my last year of high school) and put the credits (with "P" as a grade) there. I wasn't technically in university then, but it is the only way I can see to do it. I will be sending in both IB and university transcripts, so it should all come out in the wash.

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