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Willis College Toronto - Yonge and Lawrence


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I just wrote my MCAT on Aug 6th at Willis College and they definitely do have lockers. Everything there is very comfortable. You're lucky! The chairs were also comfy, we got individual stalls and LCD screen computers, there wasn't really even a proctor in my room at all times but each of us were on video surveillance.. haha good luck!:)

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Yeah I wrote at Willis on July 17th and generally I had a very positive experience with the place...the staff were friendly, lockers and washrooms were right outside the room, the cpus and desks were good as well...my only concern was the chairs..perhaps Peach you were in a different room or they have changed things since, but when I was there the chairs were uncomfortable and BS became more of a pain in the ass than ever lol

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What kind of lockers were they? Did they provide padlocks or were they coin operated?


Were they tiny lockers?


My "locker" was a huge ziploc plastic bag. I wrote at Willis too but in a separate room, unlike the above posters. Some people were lucky enough to be farther in, and they had a washroom nearby and there were lockers there....and they were separated by cubicles...however, I was assigned to a room that was closest to the door...where it was just a normal computer lab. So you could actually see the person sitting across and to the right of you. It was distracting at first...but you learn to tune it out. The large blue ziploc bags were the lockers...so you were able to carry those out w/ you on your breaks. They provide you w/ noise reducing headsets...but I brought my own earplugs (you're allowed to as long as they are sealed) and doubled it up w/ the headsets...which was sweet!


And as one of the above posters said, I dindn't have a proctor in my room either...we were on surveillance the whole time. You need to check in and out during your breaks. It is a good place to write :)


Beware of long VR passages...oh man, was not expecting that.


Good luck!!

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