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Essay Prompt 3 - Do not read this until you have read the intro post


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Education makes everyone equal.

Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which education does not make everyone equal. Discuss what you think determines whether or not education makes everyone equal.

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Here we go, not even a micro essay though. Think of educationin the widest context possible, which means life is an education, not necessarily 'formal' education from educational instutions or trade schools. Also, you need to discuss what is "equlity", it may be different for different people in our society. I am equal to you if I am able to cope successfully and navigate in life regardless of finances, socio-economic background or formal education. As a fisherperson with no formal education, I can fend for myself better than someone who studies philosophy and cannot earn a living.

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Here we go, not even a micro essay though. Think of educationin the widest context possible, which means life is an education, not necessarily 'formal' education from educational instutions or trade schools. Also, you need to discuss what is "equlity", it may be different for different people in our society. I am equal to you if I am able to cope successfully and navigate in life regardless of finances, socio-economic background or formal education. As a fisherperson with no formal education, I can fend for myself better than someone who studies philosophy and cannot earn a living.


I want to see a full 30 minute essay ;)

I crack the whip! lol


jks, thank you, always, for your input.

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Pick a prompt for me and you and we'll both write an essay for it ;). Start a new thread as:


Essay Prompt 4 - Do not read this until you have read the intro post


and list the prompt in bold and the instructions underneath.


I'm making 30min essay writing my newest hobby. Give me something to work on ;)


Everyone else, starting writing essays toooo! You learn as much from writing as from giving feedback. I'm writing and I want to give other people feedback as well, that way, I learn using both ways. So please submit essays.

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Education makes everyone equal.

Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which education does not make everyone equal. Discuss what you think determines whether or not education makes everyone equal.


Thesis: Education makes everyone equal because education was once only accessible to the middle-upper classes, only they go to university because they had the money. Now can get student loans so everyone has access and education no longer just for the rich though still heavilty skewed.


Antithesis: Social and family background important, coming from rich powerful family still better than average joe


Sythesis: Everyone has the same capacity to do the job if have the same education as opposed to only upper class capable. But most likely upper class will get the jobs b/c they have the connections. So education makes everyone equal in terms of capacity to do well in life, but family connections is what enables someone to USE what they have to do well in life.


Rushed through it, I can give lots of examples and better explanation, but there's a nice skeleton.

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First, we define education as the pursuit of knowledge. Then it is implied that if two people possess the exact same knowledge, those two people are equivalent. That is, these two people have equal opportunity in the world, an equal chance for success, and an equal chance of survival. Proponents of this view would likely encourage mandatory education, and government funded universities. Furthermore, education is thus a requirement of equality; if two people have vastly different educations, the person with the higher education is looked more favourably upon. Someone with a lower education can never be considered the equal of someone with a higher education.


There are instances, however, in which education does not make everyone equal. One needs only look at examples in which highly successful people have acquired less formal education, yet have yielded greater success, income, and power than their colleagues. For instance, Bill Gates has become one of the most wealthy individuals in the world, yet he had dropped out of Harvard University to start up the Microsoft Corportation. His former schoolmates, who had likely finished their education and obtained their degrees, may not have been as successful as Bill Gates has become. This implies that education is not a viable measure of success in the world, and that other factors must be considered.


Education, though a noble pursuit, is not the sole requirement for equality. Though it is a large contributer, there are many other factors that come into play when determining whether two people have equal opportunity. Intelligence, creativity, wisdom; these all must be considered as well as education. Thus, education can only be the deciding factor when all other things are equal. And because no two people are ever the same, education can never be the deciding factor. Education is only a small part of a person's ability to perform.

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