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Rural family medicine programs


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Just looking for some input from current residents, or students interested in rural family med.


What are the "strong" rural programs across the country (and what makes them "strong"?). I know it's a nebulous term, but it opens up the discussion. I'm just wondering what aspects other people are considering when they're deciding where to go next year.


Would love to hear from some current family medicine residents about the pros/cons of different programs. Have heard lots about my local program of course, but it's impossible to know about all the programs across the country.


There are a few old threads about this topic, but nothing recent.

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Some programs that come to mind, based on what I've heard in terms of competitiveness: U of A rural family med in Red Deer, U of C, MUN family med.


I'm afraid I don't have any details for you (or solid numbers related to competition), except that the Red Deer program gives you plenty of exposure to lots of things while keeping a good work-life balance. U of C's program is apparently very responsive to resident feedback, and adapts itself to their needs.


This doesn't count as rural family medicine residency, but: I'm doing a rural 3rd year clerkship through the U of A, where I spend 8 months in a rural area doing my core rotations. Instead of a rotation system, however, all the services are blended into an integrated work week. For example, in a given week I may be doing 2 days of family medicine clinic, 1 day and night of ER shifts, 1 day of OB/GYN (and maybe call), 1 day of surgery, plus lots of flexibility to see allied health stuff, do special focus on anaes/psych/peds/etc. U of C and NOSM have a similar program (maybe others?).


I think such programs may, in time, influence their respective schools' family medicine residency programs.

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