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post interview anxiety

Guest nervous

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Guest nervous



I had an interview at U of T on March 3 and I felt pretty good after. The only thing is, why I want to be a doctor, why I want to go to U of T and my dedication to medicine never came up. It was more like a conversation where they were trying to get to know the real me (ie the nonacademic, nonscience, nonresearch etc side). I'm worried since I never talked about my reasons for pursuing a career in medicine but it never came up in our talk and I felt awkward throwing it in out of nowhere. Also, does anyone know if they make their decisions about the interview as soon as you leave or if they think about it for a few days/weeks before giving you a score?



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Guest julio

I was also interviewed at U of T on March 3rd (we probably saw each other!) and I had the exact same experience you describe. I was never asked why I want to be a doctor, why U of T, no one ethics question; pretty much just a 40-minute chat about what I do in my spare time and my research experience. What this means I don't know. I think they know that we're very interested in medicine and we're academically qualified if we get an interview. Probably they engage in this kind of discussion to assess whether you can talk to people, whether you do anything interesting ouside of school and get a better impression of the "non-academic you". Best of luck...hope we're classmates in September!

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I haven't interviewed at U of T yet, but maybe the reason they don't ask you is because your interviewers have already read your essay, which does go into your motivations for medicine... at schools like Queen's, UWO, and Ottawa, the interviewers have only read your autobio sketch or nothing at all (in the case of Western).

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