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extracurricular activities section

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I'm trying to work on my autobiography sketch on word since OMSAS is down and I was wondering if anyone remembers what the description at the top of the extracurricular activities section was... hmm... hard to describe, when you click the add/change button and it lets you put more descriptive info in, at the top there is a paragraph telling you what to do. For example the volunteer activities section said:


"Specify your education level, ie: 1st year of university. Indicate if the activity was during the summer or academic year, the hours per week and the number of years. Provide the location where the volunteer work took place and briefly describe your responsibilities.


Use the 'Verifiers' function. Co-operative placements which are part of your university program do not qualify."


Also, what is the title of the area for the extracurricular activities section called (the 150 character limit area). For Volunteering section, it was called "Responsibilities" ...

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