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Info about U of T

Guest ML

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The average in B.H.Sc. at Mac is A-, right? That's quite good, but still below Ottawa / U of T cutoffs, so there goes at least half the class. Also, since it's not reasonable to assume that they'll all make the Queen's and Western MCAT requirements. Plus, Mac allegedly has a "quota" of just 7 (indicated in some other thread on this board) for students from this program... bottom line is that those of you not applying for another couple of years won't have to worry about not getting in just because of this program's existence. There will be over 700 spots in Ontario by then...

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Does the high marks in the program have to do with the quality of the students? or does it have to do with the EASY grading practices of the Profs?


The entrance average for the program last year from high school was like 93%.....that's not an extremely difficult average to attain! There's a CRAPLOAD of people with a high school average above 93% in Canada.

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Guest ThugJaan



Yeah I would agree. I know of a lot of people (myself included) who did pretty crappy in highschool chem, for example, but did much better in university. Meanwhile, others who had much higher OAC chem marks did much worse in 1st year.



There is a lot of variation amoungst high schools and grading practices. At least it gets standarized at the university level.

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Guest cheech10

A- average? *cough* grade inflation *cough*.


Granted they've been selected from a pool of highly qualified students, but so have other programs and they don't have as high an average eg. Eng Sci at UofT, Comp Eng at Waterloo, Arts Sci at Mac, etc. So what gives? IMHO, trying to make the program even more attractive to pre-meds in Canada.


The big thing about Mac's program is that it was really the first elite program for pre-meds in Ontario. Just like the other programs I mentioned, these programs and their high entrance requirements tend to attract high caliber students. But nowhere have I seen an A- average in any course/program, nor would most profs I know stand for it. In my friends' Biochem 210 course at UofT, a B+ average is going to be artificially lowered since it doesn't conform to faculty regulations or some such foolishness, so I don't see how an A- average would stand unless they are trying to impress students with their program.

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Guest ThugJaan



Well, my brother tells me that at Waterloo Comp. Eng. the acutal averages for the chem/math courses tend to be very high as well. Its not grade inflation per say, its just that the program attracts a lot of the top students in those subjects.


The same may be true for the Mac program. If a lot of the best pre-meds go there, then the average may well be an A-, and it could be well deserved.

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Guest cheech10

Ok, maybe grade inflation was harsh. But an A- average is still high. B averages, I can see, but A's? I don't know about Comp Eng, but my brother's at Eng Sci at UofT, with a 93% cut off for acceptance (not average) and a third of the students fail out of the program in year one, so I'd say A- averages are rather high.

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