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Application-to-acceptance ratio for undergrad MD

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I was reading the 2009 Dean's Report issued by the Fac Med at the U of T and it said the following"


"The application-to-acceptance ratio in our undergraduate medicine program is the highest in Canada: more than 12 applications for each position."


Then I thought to myself, how is that possible? If anything, U of T has one of the lowest app-to-acc ratio.


McMaster, Ottawa, NOSM and Queen's all have ratios that are >24 applications/position (double U of T's), and UWO's is >13.


So in fact, U of T has the lowest ratio in Ontario so how can they claim to have the highest ratio in all of Canada?



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however, of the applications it does receive, i bet you it is almost always the 1st choice of the applicant.


I don't know if I agree with that. I've heard that there is usually considerable movement on the U of T waitlist. For example, in 2002, they made nearly 290 offers to fill less than 200 spots! That year had an acceptance rate of ~75%. That doesn't seem very high to me, but then again I don't have data from other schools to compare...

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You sure about that math?


75% of 290 = more spots than they had...


That percentage included deferrals, which were offered back in '02.


I didn't mention that because that wasn't the point. The point was plenty of people who are offered admission at U of T, refuse their offers.

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I didn't mention that because that wasn't the point. The point was plenty of people who are offered admission at U of T, refuse their offers.


That's true... about 25%. But some schools are even worse (like Queen's, where 40-55% of people decline their offer and UWO at ~35%).


Latest Actual Acceptance Stats


Anyways that stat really does sound like BS... and besides, what's so good about accepting more applicants? If you're planning on, say, getting into dermatology residency you won't be running against many people at all... but chances are, you'll still be rejected. It's self-selection.


That's why all these stats need to be taken with a grain of salt, and it's a lot more useful to see things like the average applicant and acceptance profile rather than just rates.

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