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Need your honest opinion

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Yeah I'm pretty sure it was something around 450ish for the OOP formula. The problem is that the competition varies each year. It would be a shame to not submit an application and then find out the cutoff dropped this year. If you don't mind spending the money, it certainly doesn't hurt to put in the app, you never know how competitive you may be this year.

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I say you should do it. If you really want to Calgary, for the advantage of 3 year program or whatever reason, it's worth it. Disclaimer: Be ready to spend the $100 or so app fee, and then the flights/hotel for interview.

My class (grad 2012) had a significantly lower cut off for OOP students accepted than IP students accepted. This is probably because many OOP students are very competitive and will be accepted several schools and will choose Toronto or Queens over Calgary. (Except me. I did the opposite. Calgary rocks!) I wouldn't be surprised if this trend continues.



U of C 2012

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