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Chances for an engineering student

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Hey everyone,

I have already submitted my OMSAS application this year, for UofT, Queens, UWO, NOSM and McMaster. I just wanted to get your opinion on the probability of me getting an interview or admission to NOSM.


I know that there some people on this forum who are knowledgeable about the admission stats so hopefully I'll be able to get useful feedback.


I'm an electrical engineering graduate of UofT, with bioengineering minor. I also took a few life science courses as part of bioengineering minor program and a few life sciences courses on the side (from UofT, Ryerson and Athabasca). I am currently a resident of North Ontario (Sudbury)


My cGPA is 3.83 (OMSAS scale), and my MCAT score is 36R (VR 10, PS 12, BS 14) for the second take. First time MCAT take was 31P, with a 7 in VR, which is probably the reason why I got rejected from all schools I applied to last year.


I have about 3 years of undergraduate research experience, 1 in engineering/computer research with a published paper, and 2 years in medically oriented computer science research.


I'd really appreciate any feedback, and hope I didn't bug you with the extra-long description of my background



another premed


PS: I'm also posting a similar message across the boards for the other schools I applied to. Hope this does not annoy anyone.

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Well, I am originally a GTA resident, from Toronto. However, we just moved to Northern Ontario, North Bay to be more specific. We're definitely staying in North Bay for the next 3 to 4 years. My mother is a family medicine resident in North Bay as well. I hope these points will all work to my advantage somehow. I've even mentioned these things in my OMSAS application.

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Nope, I believe it's 5 years residency before you receive an advantage. There would be too many moving up north for a few months to try to get into NOSM. They want real northern people not pretend ones. You are genuine, I know, but there would be too many fakes ones.


So NOSM wants people who have lived up there for a relatively long time.

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I did read those requirements. I know they don't care about MCAT, but I was hoping that being a new resident of Northern Ontario would give me an advantage compared to other GTA applicants.


The fact that you only recently moved there wont help much; you need to be a long-term resident with genuine roots. Nothing is impossible but their mandate is to train individuals who live in a rural area, live in the north or are aboriginal. It's my understanding that they get more than enough good applicants from those 3 groups, leaving little or no openings for anyone else.

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