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Rural Background

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I'm not quite sure how to take the phrase "at least two academic term/two summers" in the Rural Background section. Do they mean two terms AND two summers, or two terms OR two summers? For example, I worked in a rural area for two summers in high school, but only for the summers, and I'm not entirely sure if that counts. Any thoughts?

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I'm not quite sure how to take the phrase "at least two academic term/two summers" in the Rural Background section. Do they mean two terms AND two summers, or two terms OR two summers? For example, I worked in a rural area for two summers in high school, but only for the summers, and I'm not entirely sure if that counts. Any thoughts?


The backslash indicates an "or" in my mind...I would assume they would want back-to-back terms, but it looks like two summers is sufficient.


Anyone else have an idea?

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