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IQ Publications

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predentgirl, you can order them from their website: http://www.iqpublications.com/ or some book stores have them in stock as well


chaika, were the carving and RC books helpful? What's the format of the books? Do they have strategies, questions, and practice exams? I really need strategies to improve carving, and need more RC practice material too.

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The PAT was slightly harder on the real thing, the RC I think I got lucky on the DAT cause they were science related but the types of questions were similar to the IQ pubs, I can't really remember what the Natural Sciences book was like...


I got mine secondhand.


EDIT: The books were set up as practice exams, I don't remember there being any tips other than in the carving one

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I hear IQ pub's RC is pretty helpful, but why does it have to be so expensive? I mean it's just 3 single RC tests...and it's like 44.95+tax+shipping


Is this worth it?...or is Kaplan + TopScore enough...if I'm getting like 14/17 questions/passage at the moment on Kaplan...


Is Kaplan's RC too easy?

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