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wondering about happiness

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okay so i'm a very ambitious person. i get straight a's, overcommit myself, and generally see my future as full of academic and professional successes.


but i don't feel happy, and i'm scared i never will. when i think of what would make me happy, i picture a life on a farm with six kids and fresh bread and homemade music. but this is a little idealistic.


so i'm not sure if my unhappiness is attributed to my general low self esteem, my idealistic (and hence disenchanted) personality, or the fact that i'm pushing myself too hard.


are you guys happy? or do you expect to be once you 'get in' or achieve other similar goals in the future?


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Things happen in life just because ........ There are absolutely no guarantees. You could end up with mediocre professional success and wildly happy.


To me, life is about the journey and not the goal. If you work for years and years unhappily to attain the goal, there is no real point as I see it. Don't be scared about not being happy, just enjoy every day and life will unfold and take care of itself. Aand i f you want to be a "gentleman farmer" andraise your kids there, close to the city, it will happen. Everything begins with a dream. Relax and smell the flowers!

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Tell me, how do YOU define happiness? From several of your posts, MedSchoolAhoy, it seems you are really searching for something (including answers!).


For me, happiness is a result of the intrinsic rewards I place value on and continually living and experiencing these things. Interestingly enough, the extrinsic rewards (as I define them) fall into place naturally (in their own time) when I am living out what I find inherently important.


Ultimately, it comes down to how you define happiness and how you create your reality to achieve it; assuming you think this way. It's a very personal thing.


Hope this helps! Do let us know how your quest for happiness goes!



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are you guys happy? or do you expect to be once you 'get in' or achieve other similar goals in the future?


You know I felt exactly like you before I got in. I wasn't truly happy with myself and felt like there was something missing in my life(and assumed it was the fact I didn't get in yet), and thought maybe I'll be happier once I got into med school. Reality - I feel exactly the same way now as I did before I even got in. The excitement only lasted a few days and then back to feeling low again, and i'm still working on being more happy. I realized it's internal, not external factors that affect happiness.

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Thanks for your response tyro.

You know, in the long run, if we're going to be unhappy no matter what we do, then we might as well do something challenging, helpful, and profitable, like medicine.

My question is if I'm making myself unhappy because of what I'm doing. Killing myself over gpa and everything...

I recently read a study that said that academic success was negatively correlated to high self esteem. So the happier you are, the worse grades you get.


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ive been getting straight A's too but the only reason i wont be happy with that is cuz im not getting all A+'s :(


i dont even know how there are ppl that get a 4.0 :rolleyes:


Trust me, bud. A 4.0 won't make you happy if a 3.9 isn't making you content. There's something missing in your life that isn't grades. Identify what it is, go out and get it, and then enjoy your new found euphoria. This applies to the OP as well.

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OP you're not alone in this. I don't know how it got so bad. Sometimes it's so crazy that nothing can save me but it's the only thing that I have (premed101.com that is). ;)


But honestly, sometimes I wonder what really is happiness and what the expiry date is.

Will we be happy once we get into medicine? Probably not.

Will we be happy once we find (what we think is) true love..? I don't know..


I'm afraid to actually reach my dreams because I don't know what's left after that. Sometimes I think I'm so tempted to give into my temptations and live the hedonistic life.

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You know what I did? I took some time off after university. I didn't even bother applying during 4th year because I knew I wanted a year off. Didn't get in this year so it looks like I'm going to have 2 years off but man, it's definitely something I'd recommend.


I was so burnt out. My study habits were taking a toll on my body. With the clarity that I've gained from this year, I've been able to refocus and I know what I want to do with my life.


Life's not a race.

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I'm actually quite happy.


Although I suppose if I was in a traditional sci program getting slapped with memorizing the krebs cycle everyday I might get a little loopy.


All and all it's a pretty baller time to be alive, look at everything that's going on in the electro music scene right now!



woot, turkey tomorrow!


(everyday I see my dream (it's turkey))


edit 2: this lmfao video is really the perfect picture of happiness, if you're ever down just get in a car drive around and rock out, it's one of the greatest feelings.

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I know its extremely corny, but I really think people ought to do what is "true to yourself"...be true to yourself...when you get that feeling pushing you somehwere...follow it...


from different people i've come across and different medical professionals i've talked to, they all seem to agree the people genuinely happy are those who follow what they feel for...


I really felt from a young age that medicine was for me; at a young age for a number of factors I never ever imagined I would one day get into medical school and didn't think it was an option for someone in my circumstances; but if you feel something is true to who you are you just go for it...and now that i'm in, it feels like the puzzles are fitting together and i find peace with this; now if I had stopped at one of the many roadblocks I think to this day i would not feel this peace (and its not just becaues I "got into" medical school, its because i followed where i needed to follow regardless of the **** involved)


hope this helps from my perspective, I know it must sound sort of jumbled!! good luck friend, we are all on this journey together

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Yah, for what it's worth I'm much happier now that I'm in. I nearly killed myself last year (not literally, in the overworked sense) with classes and extracurriculars and med school applications. I didn't take care of myself because I was pushing so hard. Now, even though I'm still working hard, I'm enjoying what I'm studying more and actually getting excited about school. I'm also trying to sleep and eat better which helps.


Something that was recommended to me last year to cope with stress and feeling down was "mindfulness". There are some good books by Jon Kabat-Zinn - I have "Full Catastrophe living" - and by Joan Borysenko, "Minding the Body, Mending the Mind". They talk about meditation a lot, which may sound kind of out there, but it's about being able to be in the moment and shut off the worrying for a bit.

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i've been happier since i've gotten in b/c i'm not a gunner anymore... i don't want competitive a specialty so med schools pretty fun... you just have to learn to eventually throw in the towel and stop trying to be the best... enjoy walks, hikes, clubbing, cooking, dancing, music... still study, but do it for your personal development, instead of being the best in the class... these are my thoughts anyways :P


okay so i'm a very ambitious person. i get straight a's, overcommit myself, and generally see my future as full of academic and professional successes.


but i don't feel happy, and i'm scared i never will. when i think of what would make me happy, i picture a life on a farm with six kids and fresh bread and homemade music. but this is a little idealistic.


so i'm not sure if my unhappiness is attributed to my general low self esteem, my idealistic (and hence disenchanted) personality, or the fact that i'm pushing myself too hard.


are you guys happy? or do you expect to be once you 'get in' or achieve other similar goals in the future?

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i advocate the occasional hedonistic splurge... we too often make "goals" in life. my goal is to enjoy every day of my life... not some end goal i can suffer for so that i can place it on a pedestal to show people i don't like.


ice cream makes me happy... holding a nice person makes me happy, maybe that sounds a bit pathetic but im not so sure...



OP you're not alone in this. I don't know how it got so bad. Sometimes it's so crazy that nothing can save me but it's the only thing that I have (premed101.com that is). ;)


But honestly, sometimes I wonder what really is happiness and what the expiry date is.

Will we be happy once we get into medicine? Probably not.

Will we be happy once we find (what we think is) true love..? I don't know..


I'm afraid to actually reach my dreams because I don't know what's left after that. Sometimes I think I'm so tempted to give into my temptations and live the hedonistic life.

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find out your childhood dreams, and live those out

from the last lecture, randy pausch


After watching the movie 'Top Gun' and then 'Iron Eagle,' I wanted to be a fighter pilot. Considering the fact that I suffer from severe motion sickness... er, you get the picture.

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i wanted to be an astronaut, hehe! i shoulda held onto that one


Also what I wanted as a kid and I'm always surprised how many people in medicine still consider it a plausible career path...and it's not like medicine will get in the way of becoming one down the road :)


There aren't that many Canadian astronauts but the following are MDs:

Dr. Roberta Bondar (MD)

Dr. David Saint-Jacques (MD)

Dr. Robert Thirsk (MD)

Dr. Dafydd Williams (MD)


Pretty impressive if you ask me :D

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Also what I wanted as a kid and I'm always surprised how many people in medicine still consider it a plausible career path...and it's not like medicine will get in the way of becoming one down the road :)


There aren't that many Canadian astronauts but the following are MDs:

Dr. Roberta Bondar (MD)

Dr. David Saint-Jacques (MD)

Dr. Robert Thirsk (MD)

Dr. Dafydd Williams (MD)


Pretty impressive if you ask me :D


KT speaks the truth. It is not just a Canadian thing.


If you look at the CV's of current astronauts most are military fighter pilots often also holding a graduate degree or they are PhDs in engineering or the bio sciences. Many of later are MD/PhDs. Getting an MD definitely does not hurt.


You know, just before I was accepted to med school I was all lined up to do grad research related to the neurohormonal responses during isolation on a simulated "Mars mission" in the arctic. But then med school came along and that went down the tubes. It was kinda bitter sweet. I blew my chances at being a simulator astronaut on simulated Mars... That is the closest I will ever come to being an astronaut, heh.


But, yeah, KT is right. Lots of ppl in medicine have an interest in this area.

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