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Registration Information Mail Package Out

Guest KarateMD2010

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Guest KarateMD2010

Hey everyone,


This is just a heads up that Western has sent out a package by regular mail with information on Registration and Orientation. I received my package yesterday (July 17) in Windsor. So, if you don't get a package in the next couple of days, maybe it would be wise to check.



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Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew whether the package we received in the mail was supposed to contain anything about registration for classes, student ID numbers, things like that. Mine contained info on orientation and some other forms, but not too much about signing up for classes and registering...Is this all done automatically? Or is another package on the way in the future?


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Guest aneliz

No signing up for classes required. You will be automatically registered in medicine year 1... in which there is zero choice of classes. You will take all of the same classes as the rest of your class, all at the same times.


Being in med school in some ways is like going back to Jr High. You all have the same classes as the rest of the Med 1's... and you have zero control over which classes you take or what your schedule looks like. You attend class Mon-Fri, roughly from 8:30-4. You all have lunch together and you all have lockers in the building, etc, etc. Not so much like undergrad where you had to chose courses, register for them on your own, pick sections, make sure your schedule didn't have conflicts, etc.


As for registration, you should get a tuition bill in the mail from the registrar's office soon. It will contain your student number and paying the bill gets you 'registered'. You will do all the administrative stuff (ie get mailbox keys, locker assignments, student card, email account, etc) after the white coat ceremony - so no worries.

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