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MCCQE1 failed.

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This is my first post, as I really do not know where to turn. I'm a Canadian medical grad. Also finished my residency in family med. However, I've written the MCCQE1 five times and can't seem to pass that bloody thing. There's nothing wrong with my language skills, I graduated med school with honours, never had any problems in the past, but can't seem to get over this hump.


I keep reading on this site, (and been told way too many times), that failure only applies to other people, but let me correct you that it doesn't. We were 8 that failed in my med cohort, but I do think I'm the only one that still can't do it. I fund having residency under my belt didn't help though, as the mccqe requires so very little testing as opposed to real life, but I figured that once I realized that, should have passed the last time. But noooo. Passed my CFPC exam too, so imagine how this is putting a kink in my plans for work.


Any advice? I wish I could see the exams corrected and see what I do wrong!!!

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I dunno if the above poster is a McGill grad or not - though if recent grad, then unlikely, as I am a grad from the FM program. I resent your comment, and find it quite amazing how people made such huge misunderstandings of the whole McGill scandal from a few years back.


In 2005 - approximately 30% of the FM grads failed the QUEBEC licensing exams (separate exam, only targeting QC grads), yet ALL of them passed their LMCC2/CFPC exams. Which obviously led to investigations, and finally abolishment of the Quebec exam (thank goodness for ME). That exam was unfair, and apparently extremely difficult. It was also badly translated so the McGill grads were at a disadvantage as opposed to their UdM/ULaval/USherbrooke collegues. That year, they lost a lot of their docs to Ontario because of that.


There has been never any trouble with the other exams, and we are quite up to par with the other universities with an above 95% pass rate for the LMCC2/CFPC exams in the last five or six years.



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I dunno if the above poster is a McGill grad or not - though if recent grad, then unlikely, as I am a grad from the FM program. I resent your comment, and find it quite amazing how people made such huge misunderstandings of the whole McGill scandal from a few years back.


I'm not sure what you resent about my comment, I just said I heard somewhere that McGill FM people had problems with exams. Your post confirmed that it was, indeed, the case, so I'm not sure where the resentment stems from. If it's a sore spot, then I apologize for bringing it up.

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