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MMI 8 minutes


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do most people feel like they can speak for 8 minutes straight? Even on a subject I am knowledgeable/comfortable with, I don't think I can speak for 8 minutes straight...

is it a conversation at all? or do the people not say much?... I was talking to a prof today who has ran a station in the past, and he said that they are instructed to not really say anything (i.e. don't ask follow-up questions / have a conversation), but just to read the question, and be a pair of ears to keep it as standardized as possible... is this true - anyone who has done the MMI in the past?

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At my last interviews (at NOSM), I would respond the best I could for question at hand. Once it seemed I was at the end of my own natural road, the interviewers did have a set of prompt questions they could ask to either clarify, challenge, probe, gather more information or let you know you might have went down the wrong path. I would say, none of them were talkative, however all of them were responsive and assisted me well with prompts when I needed - almost like a dialogue.


Although, I must say -- I bet you will surprise yourself with how much you can say in this type of set up and how fast 8 mins can go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a topic I'm interested in to. In previous years I treated it as a situation where I wasn't supposed to expect much back from the interviewer. I think this probably hurt my performance in retrospect and I'm going to try and make it more personal this year.


At the U of MB they changed admissions staff this year and during the interview orientation the other day the lady said that it's actually supposed to flow like a lively conversation. I was surprised at this.


You didn't say which school you're interviewing at. I would assume that makes a difference.

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