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What date does residency actually start? (incl. orientations, etc)

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Hi residents,

I am a member of the class of 2010 and am looking at planning my summer travels before commencing residency right now. I know this probably varies based on the program but I am wondering whether I will have any mandatory commitments before July 1 (e.g. orientation)? And are there any consequences to missing orientation? Could I pick the info up some other way? I know actual service will not begin until the 1st (if on call) or 2nd.


I am wondering just how long I can maximize my time away. Should I keep the entire preceding week of the 1st free? (Canada day is on Thursday), or could I arrive back into town on Wednesday? Can you tell me what it was like for you this past year/few years?



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Service started on July 1st, so orientation for us was the day before, and included getting your hospital ID card and setting up your health benefits. Getting there earlier allowed me more time to set up things such as parking and getting a university ID card. Are you moving to a new city/province? If so, also plan for setting up banking/utilities/telephone/internet/health care/driver's licence/vehicle registration/library card/insurance etc. As you know from clerkship, it can be rather tough to fit in errands that must be done during regular office hours, but it's your call as to how important your time away is.

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When you get your acceptance probably it will say to be around the week before the July 1 start date. That is what mine said.


My program also had a nice welcome BBQ for us and it would kind of be crappy to miss something like that if your program is going to do something similar.

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