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Class Start Time

Guest Platinum84

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Guest Platinum84

Just wondering when classes start for first years. The schedule from last year says 8:00am - Does that mean 8:00am or 8:10 (since I know many schools start classes at 10 past - not sure of UWO).


Also, at my interview I heard a couple first or second year Meds students mentioning that they might change the start time to 8:30. Any word on that?




PS. If you're wondering what kind of idiot cares about the difference between 8:00 and 8:10 it's because the bus from my apartment could get me to UWO for 7:37 or 8:05... saves me about 1/2 an hour of sleep if we start 8:10... lol


PPS. Anyone else looking for bus schedules/routes: http://www.londontransit.ca

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Guest Platinum84



Thanks - are there any other new links that would be of interest to incoming first-years?


Here's a few that might be helpful to other incoming first years:


Prospective Student Site:



Western Meds Year 1/2:



UWO Curriculum:




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Guest TimmyMax



Class starts at 0830 now?!? You lucky bastards! I would have loved 0830 starts, since that was what I had during my undergrad and I find that half an hour in the morning makes a huge difference, especially with the sub-par London bus schedules! I'm jealous, even though by the time you get to clerkship, you'll find that an 0830 start is akin to an entire morning off (sleepwise, of course!).


Best of luck!


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