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What to wear to MMI?

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I know this is a silly question but I was wondering if there is any specific dress code for the MMI? I was just thinking semi-formal...





if a medical school interview is semi-formal, what the heck would you consider formal? Look under the medical school interview forum on this site. It pays to search a little before posting.

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Also, bring some chapstick, and spray on some axe... I didn't realize how much i'd sweat under pressure, and how dehydrated i'd get... no one wants to be looking at chapped lips


Ha Ha Ha... I'd caution you on the axe - that stuff reeks. Try to be courteous of your fellow interviewees noses... and that of your interviewers! Not to mention the overwhelming number of people who are scent sensitive. How about just a good unscented or... ahem... low scent deodorant.

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